Experience your card decks like Spotify, Kindle & Audible.
Deckible is your Daily Practice Toolkit.

Learn how digital card decks enhance your daily mindful rituals.

Decks are the perfect medium for the mobile generation. Learn & grow on the go. Always in your pocket.

Integrate card decks, journaling & meditation into one engaging experience for IOS and Android.

Mindfulness card decks are sets of cards that contain prompts or exercises to help people practice mindfulness, which is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the current moment. They typically contain inspirational quotes, affirmations, or other text to encourage a more mindful mindset. They are selected at random to provide a reminder or focused meditation exercise, and there are many different decks available with unique exercises and prompts.


Mindfulness card decks are sets of cards that contain prompts or exercises to help people practice mindfulness, which is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the current moment. They typically contain inspirational quotes, affirmations, or other text to encourage a more mindful mindset. They are selected at random to provide a reminder or focused meditation exercise, and there are many different decks available with unique exercises and prompts.



Relationships are at the core of our experience: personal, inter-personal and professional. In fact, they are the building blocks that create our lives. How to purify and make these unions more perfect is rich with opportunity.

ORA+CLE is a vehicle for finding meaning & magic in the quotidian. 50 cards of wisdom gained through my decades-long design practice—illuminating ways to reframe, recharge and reflect.

What’s an ORA+CLE Deck?

An oracle deck is similar to Tarot; an object of meditation that encourages its participant to explore and uncover truths about themselves. It holds the promise of a dynamic, positive, spiritual transformation via understanding our essential selves.

Where ORA+CLE differs from an oracle deck or Tarot is that it’s a looser, more utilitarian exploration. Its scope encompasses the emotional experiences we have as designers. ORA+CLE was developed pragmatically, intuitively, and yes, sacredly.

ORA+CLE is meant to be used on its own — as a way of deepening inquiry — or as a compliment to a Tarot practice. Oh! And it encourages you to use your critical thinking skills, too.

While ORA+CLE is a divination tool created with the needs of designers in mind, it works for anyone who interfaces professionally or personally with humans. So, pretty much everyone.

Why an Oracle Deck?

The designer/client relationship is at the core of my professional and artist practice. How to purify and make these unions more perfect is rich with opportunity. The inquiry lights me up.

Cultivating the intimacy necessary for a rewarding designer/client rapport is often avoided under the guise of being ‘professional.’ This fiction results in distrust, disinterest, dissatisfaction. On both sides. My stance is more emotional investment, not less, is the only way to conduct business. ORA+CLE is a tool to harness a paradigm shift.

Why the name ORA+CLE?

The name ORA+CLE began as a typo, and I liked it. The typesetting is an aesthetic composition that also clearly identifies the nature of the object.


Card Deck Genres:



Jennifer Elsner

Antara Ki Self Care Oracle


The Antara Ki Self-Care Oracle: A Daily Guide to Balance and Harmony

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, self-care often takes a back seat. Yet, prioritising self-care isn't just a luxury; it's a vital part of maintaining balance and harmony in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is the foundation upon which we build our resilience, find joy, and connect with our inner selves. But how do we make the time and space for self-care amidst our busy routines?

Introducing the Self-Care Oracle — a unique way to reconnect with yourself every day. This oracle deck is not just another tool; it is your personal guide to discovering daily practices that nurture your body, mind, and spirit. Let’s explore the importance of self-care and how this daily practice can help you live a more balanced and harmonious life.

The Importance of Self-Care

Self-care is essential for a healthy life, yet it is often misunderstood or overlooked. It's not just about pampering yourself with occasional indulgences; it's a consistent practice of taking care of your own physical, emotional, and mental health. Here are some reasons why self-care is crucial:

  1. Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Self-care helps to activate your parasympathetic nervous system, bringing you into a state of relaxation and calm. This, in turn, reduces stress hormones and helps to manage anxiety.

  2. Boosts Physical Health: Regular self-care practices like exercising, eating nourishing foods, and getting adequate sleep directly improve your physical health, increasing energy levels and overall well-being.

  3. Enhances Mental Clarity: When you take time for self-care, you create mental space for clarity, creativity, and decision-making, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with a clear mind.

  4. Improves Emotional Well-being: Self-care nurtures emotional health by allowing time for self-reflection, self-compassion, and emotional release. This can help in building resilience and maintaining positive relationships with yourself and others.

  5. Strengthens Self-Connection: Taking time for self-care helps you reconnect with your inner self, creating a deeper understanding of your needs, desires, and boundaries.

Daily Practices for a Balanced and Harmonious Life

To incorporate self-care into your daily life, it helps to create a routine that is both achievable and enjoyable. Here are some practices you can incorporate to create a more balanced and harmonious life:

  1. Mindful Meditation: Begin or end your day with a short meditation practice. This can be as simple as taking five minutes to focus on your breath, ground yourself, and connect with your inner peace.

  2. Gratitude Journaling: Spend a few moments each day writing down three things you are grateful for. This practice shifts your focus to the positive aspects of your life, fostering a sense of contentment and joy.

  3. Movement and Exercise: Incorporate movement into your daily routine, whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, dancing, or any form of exercise that you enjoy. Movement releases endorphins, boosts energy, and promotes overall well-being.

  4. Nourishing Nutrition: Make mindful choices about what you eat. Choose foods that nourish your body and give you sustained energy. Stay hydrated and listen to your body’s needs.

  5. Digital Detox: Set aside time each day to unplug from your devices. Use this time to read a book, connect with loved ones, or engage in a hobby that brings you joy.

  6. Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk: Start your day with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths and capabilities. Speak kindly to yourself, as you would to a friend.

  7. Creative Expression: Allow time for creativity in your day. This could be painting, writing, crafting, or any form of expression that resonates with you. Creativity helps release emotions and connects you to your authentic self.

  8. Rest and Relaxation: Ensure you get enough rest. A good night's sleep is fundamental to physical and mental health. Prioritise relaxation techniques such as reading, listening to calming music, or taking a warm bath before bedtime.

Struggling to Prioritise Self-Care? Let the Self-Care Oracle Guide You

It’s common to struggle with making self-care a priority, especially when life feels hectic and responsibilities pile up. This is where the Self-Care Oracle comes in.

Each morning, draw a card from the Self-Care Oracle deck. Allow the card to guide you towards a self-care practice for the day. Perhaps it’s “Nurture Your Body” encouraging you to prepare a healthy meal, or “Find Stillness” suggesting a moment of meditation. Let this be a moment of stillness and reflection, setting a conscious intention for your day.

Here’s how to make the most of your daily oracle card practice:

  1. Set Aside Time: Choose a time each morning to connect with your oracle deck. This could be part of your morning routine, perhaps while enjoying a cup of tea or sitting quietly in meditation.

  2. Focus on Your Intention: Before you draw a card, take a moment to centre yourself. You may wish to ask, "What do I need today?" or "How can I best care for myself today?"

  3. Reflect on the Message: Take a moment to reflect on the card’s message. What does it mean for you today? How can you incorporate its guidance into your life?

  4. Take Inspired Action: Use the card’s guidance to inspire a self-care action for the day. Even small, simple actions can have profound effects when done with intention and mindfulness.

Conclusion: Your Journey to Self-Care Starts Today

Self-care is not selfish; it is essential. By incorporating simple practices into your daily routine, you can create a more balanced, harmonious life that is rich in well-being. And by using the Antara Ki Self-Care Oracle as your guide, you’ll discover new ways to nurture yourself, honour your needs, and prioritise your well-being.

So, the next time you find yourself wondering how to care for yourself amidst life's demands, turn to your Self-Care Oracle. Let it guide you, inspire you, and remind you that you are worthy of love, care, and compassion — every single day.

Are you ready to begin this journey? Draw your first card today and take the first step toward a life of balance and harmony.


Susie Antara




Connection. Reimagined.

Deepen and demystify the art of creating safer spaces - one card at a time!

This deck puts the six foundational essences of heart space, plus thirty-six empowering embodiment practices, at your fingertips so you can begin to harness their transformative power in the work you do to support others.

This deck can help you:
- boost engagement and participation
- minimize conflict, anxiety and boredom
- amplify trust and respect
- strengthen flexibility and resilience
- increase empathy
- foster a deep sense of being seen and heard

Use the deck to gain confidence with simple yet powerful practices that foster authentic, meaningful connection for you and the people you serve. Draw a single card for inspiration, select a handful of cards to increase your comfort level and proficiency, create a full hex-shaped layout to explore a specific challenge, or choose a card to share as an opening circle, journal prompt or discussion topic with your clients, staff, students or participants.

This deck is ideal for:

coaches, counsellors, yoga instructors, healers, teachers, facilitators, event organizers, leaders, managers, caregivers, mentors, change-makers or anyone else who is passionate about building safer spaces

48 cards (with detailed descriptions and journal prompts).

Enjoy the deck on your own or share the experience with others.

Designed and created by Heidi Kalyani
Copyright © Heidi Kalyani, 2022

Heidi Kalyani is an architect of HEART SPACE who is passionate about building spaces that foster authentic, nourishing, meaningful connection. She also loves singing, writing, designing, hiking, cooking, and drinking hot steamy tea. She lives in a small house with lots of sunlight in rural Nova Scotia, Canada.


Heidi Kalyani

Positive Infusion - Question of the Day - Clarity Series


Discover a fun, tactile, and visual way to gain clarity on any subject that matters to you. Everything begins with asking meaningful questions, whether you're aiming to earn more money, start a new business, build or enhance a relationship, or solve a challenge. Spark curiosity, inspire self-reflection, and unlock insights that boost confidence, empower decisions, and ignite excitement for the path ahead.

What You'll Find Inside

Inside this delightful deck, you'll find 26 thoughtfully crafted questions, each flanked by four additional card faces —definitions, author's perspectives, action prompts, and inspirational quotes—designed to guide you toward greater clarity. Whether you read them to yourself or speak the questions aloud, shuffle the cards, draw one or more, and let the experience ignite your creativity. Additionally, capture your insights in a convenient journal and revisit them whenever you seek inspiration, using these multiple facets to enrich your reflection.

Carry your motivation and inspiration wherever you go with these powerful cards. Experience the transformative effect as you connect with the extraordinary person you are!

You are magnificent and worthy of the very best—seize this chance to unlock your full potential and embrace a journey of self-discovery.


Victoria Winters