Click here for information on the Import Process

Make a copy of this CSV Datasheet.

Make sure you create one row per card then complete the rest of your datasheet based on the the guidelines below.

If the back of your cards share the same image, you should load the "Card Back" along with your "deck art" when you create your deck.

Columns with a * are required.

Make sure sequence is unique across your deck.
Keep it consistent between uploads.
This key is used to update a card inside your deck.
The order of the cards is used to define the card order in the deck.
You can also reorder the cards on Deckible.com.

This is the unique name for each card.
Name is required even if you give the card a number not a name.
Name is visible in the app and is part of the card selection process.

If you have a shared back, this is the first face that is shown in the app.
Next we show Face 1, Face 2 and so on.
So if you don't have a shared back, put the face you want to be seen first in Face 1.
When the cards are flipped,that app loops through the faces in sequence and then repeats.

Each card can have many sides. You can have a one sided card.
Card backs are mentioned above (and are not to be loaded via the datasheet).
Provide a comma separated list the the unique filenames for each card (one per side).
Your filenames cannot include commmas.
Your filenames must include an extension eg art.png.
List your files in the order you want to see them in the app.
Filenames are not case sensitive. An exact match is required including the file extension.
In the app, the card back is assumed to be the first side.
Your files can be: .png, .jpg, .jpeg or .gif.

You can provide a selection of tags to filter the cards inside the deck in the app.
Separate your tags with commas. Eg tagA, tagB.
It's advisable to limit unique tags across your deck to 5 or 6 (one or two per card).
Think of tags as a way of filtering for a suit in a deck.
Tags can also used to exclude cards from shuffling (edit your deck to set these tags)..

We currently only support YouTUBE videos.
Use the the ID not the URL as there are so many forms of Youtube URLs.
Instead of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9srnplcDgVM you should just use 9srnplcDgVM .
With youTUBE shorts use the ID like wz6N2uVqMKs and not https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wz6N2uVqMKs .
For more help search for 'Find my YouTube video ID' .

Provide an mp3/mp4 audio filename that you will upload.

Each card can optionally link to a page offering more information or bonus content.

If your images are transparent, you can provide a background color as a Hexadecimal eg #FFFFFF for White.
If no background color is provided the transparency will be maintained (i.e. transparent cards can be stacked to make a colage ).
If all your cards have the same backgroud color, you can specify this in your deck and not at the card level.

Border color can be unique for each card if you specify it here.
If you want to specify it once, do so be editing decorations on your deck.
The default at the deck level is Black #000000. You can change this default color or remove this setting (eg for transparent cards).
Border colors are useful to prevent the cards from blending into one another.
It's easier to let the app do this, rather than adding borders to the artwork..

We recommend loading your guidebook card when you load your deck.
It's simpler to resolve any issues in one step.
If your guideboook has pages that map to the cards then add them as extra faces.
So then your customer just flips to see the guidebook.
We recommend excluding 'index' pages from the guidebook.
Remove any other non-functional pages or blank pages.
Then add the remainder as extra guidebook cards.
Tag them as such.
Guidebook cards can have many faces.
Generally less cards is best.
It makes for a better experience to group a chapter as a single card with multiple sides.
When a card is tagged as 'guidebook' it is excluded from shuffling and quick draw.

Deckible provides border colors & rounded corners. Solid corners on card art works best.

Card Image size should be 1080 pixels or wider.

Aspect ratio is your choice. If you are creating a deck a 10:17 aspect ratio is an easy choice.

Unlike paper digital deck can have 1 to n sides.

Your files can be: .png, .jpg, .jpeg or .gif.

No commas, quotes or apostrophes in file name
Just the filename, not the path.

Filenames are case sensitive. They must match exactly.
Do not use the filenames for different sides/faces unless image is the same.