Be the Light Divine Alchemy Cards


Be the Light
Divine Alchemy Cards
Working with the Divine Feminine Principles of Creation

“intentional alchemy made easy”
Change your reality with “frequency shifting” art

  • Know Thyself 8 cards
  • Health and Healing 8 cards
  • Relationship 8 cards
  • Mission and Work 8 cards
  • Global Transition 8 cards
  • Divine Feminine Leadership 8 cards

-One Card Readings: Gain Clarity, insight and healing on one issue
-Three Card Readings: Past, Present, Future Readings or Problem, Solution, Cause
Pull a card for the Day or when you have an issue you need clarity on.

About the 48 Divine Alchemy Cards:
(Guidebook link pdf is provided upon purchase in welcome email)
Each card is imbued with healing movement, potential and frequency for shifts. The Intentional Creativity Painting method of multi-dimensional layering involved with the image evolvment parallels your own inner veiling of feelings, truth and solutions. Dive into the energetic pool of healing and transition inherent in these imprinted images. The layered energy will activate transformation within you as you visually gaze at the images and breathe into the feeling that emanates within.

Access your intuition to deepen your experience as you let the guides open the truth that resides within and you strengthen your own inner knowing and guidance. Take your time to allow the layers to meaning to emerge and do not rush to make quick assumptions or decisions as this is your time to slow down, drop in and receive higher guidance that is appropriate to your situation. A downloadable Guidebook is provided for more in-depth information on how to use the cards creatively

Bless your Cards before each reading and clear after a reading.

This is a digital version of the deck. To access after purchase install the Deckible app for IOS or Android.

Open 'Be the Light Divine Alchemy Cards ' in the Deckible App