Daily practice card decks are a collection of cards that are designed to help you reflect on your life, set intentions, and take action. The cards can be used in a variety of ways, such as:

Journal prompts: You can use the cards as journal prompts to help you explore your thoughts and feelings.
Meditation aids: You can use the cards to guide your meditation practice.
Action steps: You can use the cards to set goals and take action towards them.
Conversation starters: You can use the cards to start conversations with friends, family, or colleagues.
The cards are typically divided into different categories, such as:

Self-awareness: These cards help you to become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Gratitude: These cards help you to focus on the positive aspects of your life.
Intention setting: These cards help you to set goals and intentions for your day, week, or month.
Action steps: These cards help you to take action towards your goals.
Daily practice card decks can be a helpful tool for anyone who is looking to improve their self-awareness, mindfulness, and productivity. They can be used by individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

Here are some of the benefits of using daily practice card decks:

They can help you to become more mindful and present in the moment.
They can help you to focus on your goals and intentions.
They can help you to develop new habits and behaviors.
They can help you to connect with your inner wisdom and guidance.
They can help you to live a more intentional and meaningful life.
If you are interested in using daily practice card decks, there are a number of different decks available on the market. Some popular decks include:

Daily practice card decks are a collection of cards that are designed to help you reflect on your life, set intentions, and take action. The cards can be used in a variety of ways, such as:

Journal prompts: You can use the cards as journal prompts to help you explore your thoughts and feelings.
Meditation aids: You can use the cards to guide your meditation practice.
Action steps: You can use the cards to set goals and take action towards them.
Conversation starters: You can use the cards to start conversations with friends, family, or colleagues.
The cards are typically divided into different categories, such as:

Self-awareness: These cards help you to become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Gratitude: These cards help you to focus on the positive aspects of your life.
Intention setting: These cards help you to set goals and intentions for your day, week, or month.
Action steps: These cards help you to take action towards your goals.
Daily practice card decks can be a helpful tool for anyone who is looking to improve their self-awareness, mindfulness, and productivity. They can be used by individuals of all ages and backgrounds.

Here are some of the benefits of using daily practice card decks:

They can help you to become more mindful and present in the moment.
They can help you to focus on your goals and intentions.
They can help you to develop new habits and behaviors.
They can help you to connect with your inner wisdom and guidance.
They can help you to live a more intentional and meaningful life.
If you are interested in using daily practice card decks, there are a number of different decks available on the market. Some popular decks include:

Palette Painting Mini Cards with Daily Affirmations


This deck of 52 Mini Cards are made from the artwork of Heather Brewster. They were used palettes, recycled into little paintings - a signature style for Heather. Each painting has a deeper meaning as per the title, perfect for daily inspiration.


Heather Brewster

Step into a world where ancient wisdom meets modern guidance, where the ethereal whispers of the Universe find form in beautifully crafted cards. The journey of the Wisdom of Shaltazar Oracle Cards began in the most unexpected way, a convergence of cosmic intention and human inspiration.

Picture this: a seasoned channeler, Jeffrey, had been in communion with the enigmatic entity known as Shaltazar for years. The idea of creating an Oracle card deck was tossed into the air by his friend, Sara Sanquino, like a sparkling possibility. Jeffrey, intrigued yet uncertain, could hardly fathom the path this seedling idea would tread.

But Shaltazar, oh ever-persistent and wise, had other plans. The nudge of cosmic guidance stirred Jeffrey's heart, and thus commenced a remarkable expedition to unveil profound wisdom for the betterment of many. Sara's artistic hands lent life to Shaltazar's insights, giving shape and colour to the formless teachings.

The Osho Zen Tarot cards were an integral part of Jeffrey's journey of self-discovery. They held not just a message but a keen commentary, a lantern to illuminate the path. And so, with a desire to mirror this brilliance, the format for the Shaltazar deck took shape. Enter Mark Layne, the wordsmith collaborator, invited to weave insightful narratives for each card.

With the stars aligned, the ensemble was complete, and the journey unfurled. Over 24 months, a dance between realms transpired. Jeffrey channeled, bridging realms, while Mark, a true bard, translated cosmic whispers into relatable human commentaries. Two worlds entwined, two souls enriched.

Why, you might wonder, did they settle on 55 cards? Ah, the enchanting numerology holds the answer. 55, a masterful duo of fives, dances in realms of change, transformation, and personal growth. It’s a cosmic wink, a nod from the Universe itself. A double helix of change, a symphony of shifts. This number doesn't just whisper but shouts: awaken, evolve, embrace.

And now, a labour of love and cosmic communion stands before you – the Wisdom of Shaltazar Oracle Cards. A tool not only to glimpse into the depths of your journey but to navigate its waters. Jeffrey, Mark, and Sara, the cosmic triumvirate, offer this gift to you, wrapped in love and bathed in light. As they have transformed, so shall you.

So, dear traveller, are you ready? Ready to step into the river of change, to dance with transformation, and to embrace the light of your own intuition? The cards are drawn, the journey beckons.

Welcome to the Wisdom of Shaltazar Oracle Cards.

We hope the wisdom in these oracle cards will help you live a more fulfilled life, allowing you to experience more contentment, happiness, joy, peace, and love more of the time.

Jeffrey Eisen, Mark Layne & Sara Sanguino


Jeffrey Eisen

Mindful Mix (Deck)


Mindful Mix is expertly crafted to guide you through stress and anxiety towards a serene state of mind. This set of 52 cards is your pocket-sized mentor for mastering mindfulness, offering a diverse blend of breath work, meditation, and mindful movement exercises.

Elevate Your Mindfulness Practice:

  • Breath Work: Learn techniques to control your breathing and anchor your focus.
  • Meditation Exercises: Embrace tranquility with guided meditations for any moment.
  • Mindful Movement: Integrate gentle stretches to harmonize body and mind.

Simple & Effective Use:

In moments of tension, select a card to redirect your thoughts and soothe your spirit. Regular use transforms these practices into intuitive responses, enriching your life with enduring calmness. Perfect for integrating into CBT, therapy sessions, or your personal wellness routine.

Ideal For:

  • Mental Health Professionals: Enhance your therapeutic toolkit with versatile aids.
  • Individuals Seeking Growth: Empower your journey towards mental resilience.
  • Wellness Enthusiasts: Add depth to your wellness practices with structured guidance.



Cultivating Compassion


The Cultivating Compassion Deck is a motivational, actionable, and spiritual roadmap guiding you toward greater personal growth, compassion, peace of mind, and joy.

Part of being human is making mistakes and feeling stressed. We all mess up at one time or another; we all have moments of anxiety. Rather than beating ourselves up with words of shame, blame, or fear, we have a choice to recognize that we are resilient and can do better next time.

💜 Making that choice is a form of self-compassion. 💜

This deck, based on a blend of Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucianist philosophy, helps you explore compassion meditation practices daily. It encourages you to be brave, claim your quirks, and fully embrace who you are, even when you're imperfect.

💜 It invites you to say, "I want to be a better person, and I will work on that." 💜

One breath at a time. One hour at a time. One conversation or task at a time.

Every morning upon rising, pick up this deck, choose a card, connect with the image of the animal, and then contemplate the affirmation. Take a moment for self-reflection, then integrate the idea into your daily life. Learning to accept yourself in all circumstances is a skill that takes courage, practice, and diligence.

Creating a consistent self-compassion practice is the BEST thing you can do for our emotional and mental health. Patterns of thinking CAN be rewired. Instead of worrying, complaining, gossiping, or rehashing what isn't working, invest in yourself. Put in diligent hard work, and begin to find peace and joy from the moment you wake up to the second you fall asleep. Transform your life to create internal joy and peace, then extend it to others.

Buy a copy of the deck and transform your outlook. Start living a life of peace, vitality, and joy today!

REBEL Deck Original Expansion Pack


Quick + cussy clarity to help get you through the day.

Card Deck Genres:

Oracle , Humor , Daily practice


Shannon Gomez

Soulful Expression: Art Therapy Cards for Healing and Growth


Soulful Expression: Art Therapy Cards for Healing and Growth" is a unique and transformative oracle deck designed to guide you on a deeply introspective journey of self-discovery, emotional healing, and personal growth. With 48 beautifully crafted cards, each infused with artistic prompts and reflection exercises, this deck provides a powerful tool for navigating the complex terrain of your emotions, offering solace and insight during your struggles with depression.

Unlock the healing potential of creativity as you explore a diverse range of art therapy techniques, from mood mandalas and gratitude collages to mindful doodles and nature-inspired mandalas—all in vibrant watercolor jewel tones. Each card invites you to delve into your inner world, helping you express your feelings, identify emotional patterns, and nurture self-compassion.

These cards are not just about creating art; they are a pathway to understanding your emotions and finding resilience within yourself. Use them for daily inspiration, therapeutic art sessions, or whenever you seek a profound connection with your inner self. Embrace the healing power of art and embark on a journey of self-discovery, one brushstroke at a time.

"Soulful Expression" is more than an oracle deck; it's a trusted companion on your quest for inner harmony, emotional balance, and a brighter, more hopeful future. Let your soul's voice shine through the colors and shapes you create, as you move towards a place of healing, growth, and self-empowerment.


Robin Deans



Past Lessons encompass your diverse experiences—education, challenges, and decisions—prior to now. They serve as guides, highlighting what worked and what didn't, and impart wisdom for growth. These experiences, good or traumatic, showcase the impact of focus on daily life and the power of personal choices. They signify resilience and the empowerment of choosing your own path. Reflecting on them prompts self-awareness and the integration of wisdom into future decisions, fostering personal growth and deeper understanding. Embracing these lessons propels you toward a fulfilling future by incorporating past learnings into present choices. Looking forward to...

NOW AVAILABLE >>> Present Teachings • Series Two

Reviews (2)


Pati Maez

Pilates on Deck


Pilates on Deck features 45 exercises that can be done anywhere there is mat space! Get strong and flexible by practicing 20 minutes at a time, three times a week. Start from the beginning of the deck and build your way to the end. Also features motivational cards to help you move forward!

The illustrations are made from my heart and hands. I created this deck from the inspiration I received observing my clients progress and get stronger. With a consistent practice, your body will transform and your mind and soul will be happier!

"Everyone is the architect of their own happiness" - Joseph H. Pilates

Card Deck Genres:

Health + fitness , Daily practice


Regina Santos

Be the Light Divine Alchemy Cards


Be the Light
Divine Alchemy Cards
Working with the Divine Feminine Principles of Creation

“intentional alchemy made easy”
Change your reality with “frequency shifting” art

  • Know Thyself 8 cards
  • Health and Healing 8 cards
  • Relationship 8 cards
  • Mission and Work 8 cards
  • Global Transition 8 cards
  • Divine Feminine Leadership 8 cards

-One Card Readings: Gain Clarity, insight and healing on one issue
-Three Card Readings: Past, Present, Future Readings or Problem, Solution, Cause
Pull a card for the Day or when you have an issue you need clarity on.

About the 48 Divine Alchemy Cards:
(Guidebook link pdf is provided upon purchase in welcome email)
Each card is imbued with healing movement, potential and frequency for shifts. The Intentional Creativity Painting method of multi-dimensional layering involved with the image evolvment parallels your own inner veiling of feelings, truth and solutions. Dive into the energetic pool of healing and transition inherent in these imprinted images. The layered energy will activate transformation within you as you visually gaze at the images and breathe into the feeling that emanates within.

Access your intuition to deepen your experience as you let the guides open the truth that resides within and you strengthen your own inner knowing and guidance. Take your time to allow the layers to meaning to emerge and do not rush to make quick assumptions or decisions as this is your time to slow down, drop in and receive higher guidance that is appropriate to your situation. A downloadable Guidebook is provided for more in-depth information on how to use the cards creatively

Bless your Cards before each reading and clear after a reading.

Reviews (1)

Daily Creative Habit Creativity Cards


Hey creative minds!
Get your Daily Creative Habit started with this deck of prompts designed to jumpstart your creative spark! Each card offers a unique prompt to get you brainstorming fresh ideas, overcoming creative blocks, and igniting your daily creative practice.


Mike Brennan

Fortunes of Wisdom Oracle


The Fortunes of Wisdom Oracle is a delightful deck that draws inspiration from the enchanting fortunes found within fortune cookies. Each card delivers a unique message that blends fun, whimsy, and wisdom. With vibrant illustrations by Andrea Kimberley and thought-provoking interpretations by Sandra Catania, this oracle deck serves as a playful insightful tool for divination and self-reflection.

Reviews (1)

Daily Balance Inspiration (Deck)


Begin your serene journey to balanced and abundant life with the Daily Balance Inspiration Cards, the beloved inspirational card deck now in a beautiful, portable digital form. Open up to the power of inspiration and self-understanding wherever you go!

Inside this enchanting deck, you'll find the loved collection of uplifting cards. Each of the 88 cards carries a simple, yet profound "I Am" affirmation, carefully created to inspire you to find balance, peace, and joy in everyday moments. These messages empower you and help you take small, meaningful steps towards creating a life you truly love.

Take a moment to center yourself—relax your body, calm your mind with a few deep breaths. As you draw the card, let its message align with your inner wisdom and intuition. Trust that you're beautifully guided as you open to the card's message.

Imagine the joy of opening this deck, feeling its calming resonance, and opening up to the guidance that awaits you. Allow the messages to align with your soul, lifting your spirits and providing clarity when you need it most. Let the words inspire you to tap into your inner wisdom, reminding you that you are here for a reason, and that you hold the answers within.

In this digital form, the Daily Balance Inspiration Digital Deck is the perfect companion for your yoga mat, allowing you to infuse your practice with a touch of inspiration and mindfulness. And pop in at the office, and let it be your source of encouragement during sometimes full workdays.

Open your Daily Balance Inspiration Deck - and let its messages guide you towards a life filled with purpose, love, and joy. Find your power within and inspire those around you. Embrace the beauty of its cards and the wisdom it holds.

You can easily uplevel your experience with the Daily Balance Companion Journal for your daily entries. Use the journal to capture your insights, reflect on your progress, and manifest your dreams into reality. Available on Amazon worldwide @ Miia Pollanen.

Let this brilliant duo guide you towards the balanced life you love.


Miia Pollanen



The beautiful musical affirmations of Florence Scovel Shine from Your Word is Your Wand, 1928. This deck supprts the creation of daily rituals, better habits, a new mindset. With an audio track for each card reading the affirmation to music. Use these cards to reflect and note your feelings around the affirmation, where you feel resistance and what you are willing to open up to.


Rosie Battista

A Message From The Animals


Energy art oracle deck of animal wisdom.


Mary Ann Benoit

Chants For Change Mantra Deck


Enhance your meditation practice by choosing a mantra card to give you a focus, a message for the day and increase your energetic vibrations.

Mantra is a tool that can help transport the mind from a state of activity to one of stillness and silence. Mantras hold meaning and messages placed in these Sanskrit words, yet the value lies in chanting them. Mantras are sounds, syllables or vibrations that hold a vast interpretation of meaning. These vibrational energies have an individual quality and affect which stay with you throughout the day even if your focus gets distracted. Choose a card and chant the mantra aloud or silently to take advantage of these wonderful, transformative vibrational energies. Included is a phonic spelling to help you pronounce them as well as a short audio.

Chasing Mary


Choose from 36 Love Notes, written over a 20 year journey in search of the Divine Feminine.

Become the Huntress of your own Light. Find pieces of you in the Universe you might have forgotten were even yours. These cards are an exercise in themselves - reach out into the Stars and deep into your cells to bring coherency to your Heart and Body.


Christine Caruso

Color Affirmation Deck


Empower Yourself With Color

Find deeper purpose in life by aligning yourself with the energy of your life path color!

Experience How Color Can Help You

• Reduce stress & anxiety
• Reach new goals
• Elevate your mindset
• Boost your confidence
• Spark your creativity


Lisa Kindle

The Gratitude Challenge


Would you like to add an extra dose of gratitude to your day?

Tap into the power of gratitude and see what a difference it can make to your life. You could…

… use them by yourself to grow your daily gratitude practice.

… use them with your family & friends to share your experiences and stories.

… use them with colleagues to explore and understand each others different approaches and viewpoints.

The Gratitude Challenge card deck can be used however you choose!

Each deck contains 54 prompts to help you explore your gratitude in a whole variety of topics. One side has a specially designed image to inspire you, whilst the other side includes the prompt to help you explore further.


Cat Hase

I Am, the Light


A Spiritual Journey into the Essence of the Divine Self

Reviews (1)


Nita Bauer

ADHD Inklings


These cards were created for ADHD women by an ADHD woman.
They include prompts, challenges, mantra, tasks, and resources that will help you see yourself and your ADHD in a different light, through a new lens of strength and positivity.

In this deck:
---> 26 I WILL CARDS <---
---> 26 I KNOW CARDS <---
---> 26 I WONDER CARDS <---
that will bring so many a-ha's and epiphanies, they'll make your brain feel tickled.


Pen and Inklings

Messengers of Gaia (Deck)


Messengers of Gaia takes sensitive souls on a journey of rediscovery, regeneration, renewal and revival of the sacred self through the various lenses of self-worth, self-care, self-love, self-expression and celebration of the unique and true to heart blueprint of the authentic soul within.
You will be ushered through this journey by the animal and mystical spirits that are the messengers of greater love and acceptance for self. Each card invites you to reflect on how you can embody its theme through your chosen practice whether it be meditation, journaling or contemplation while out in nature or your favourite place.
Within this oracle deck, there is a secret card that contains the key to a free gift which will add a little fun and exploration to your experience.
Last but not least, with the intent of expanding the positive ripple with gratitude and more avenues to feed your soul, each card has a dedication to a person or group of people who have made a difference in my life, and some of them are also earthly messengers and facilitators of love in its many facets. Feel free to explore their websites, social media or offerings if it resonates.

Reviews (2)

Daily Charms of Calm


Welcome to the calming experience of our Daily Charms of Calm Deck, designed especially for the curious souls open to change.

This 28 card tapping deck draws upon the carefully selected keywords associated with seven chakras to inspire calming Emotional Freedom Technique tapping meditations.

Through imagery, words and tapping audio, this deck invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and calm empowerment. This deck will help you to unlock inner peace and strength.

Each card acts as a beacon, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of your own resilience, creativity, compassion, and personal power.

Embrace the wonders of the chakras and harness transformative energy through tapping to calm your nervous system and find balance, peace, and the strength to navigate life’s journey with grace.

The deck includes: beautiful imagery, journal prompts, easy to follow and powerful EFT tapping scripts and audio along with charming affirmations.

Do not try to treat medical or mental health issues using this deck. It is intended to help relaxation and to stimulate positive feelings.

Find out more about EFT tapping: http://www.tapintoyou.co.uk


Sarah Gorev

Goddess Self-Care Oracle Deck


I channeled and designed this deck of 72 unique cards that feature self-care practices and affirmations, each one carefully crafted to inspire and empower you on your journey of self-discovery, to up your self-care and make YOU a priority! I hope you enjoy it and use it every day!
Self-care comes in many flavors. It is NOT exclusively about massages, pedicures and bubble baths (although we do like those too!).
Self-care is about showing yourself how much you value yourself, how much you love yourself. It’s about loving your Body and taking care of her. It's about valuing and expressing your Emotions. It's about respecting the thoughts and ideas of your gorgeous Mind. It's about taking time for your Spirit to connect with the Divine all around.
In this oracle deck, the Eight fundamental Greek Goddesses whose archetypes inhabit your psyche and guide your life become our guides to visit all areas of Self-Care.
Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or simply in need of some self-love, the Goddess Self-Care Oracle Deck has got you covered.
Simply pick a card every time you feel like it... Or choose 3 to 5 cards to create a daily Self-Care routine for yourself!


Isaya Gabriel

Have a Blessed Day


These blessings speak to any spiritual person, regardless of your path. Start each day with a blessing. Meditate/pray with this card's message. Fill the world with love and blessings!

Reviews (1)

Mystic Fantasy Tarot


Mystic Fantasy Tarot follows the Rider Waite format, but with a twist. i.e.: Major Arcana, Suit of Cups, Suit of Swords, Suit of Pentacles, and Suit of Wands.


Melisa Skinner

A Message From The Universe


Unique and beautiful energy art oracle deck with messages to help you become aligned with who you are meant to be. Are you attracted to this deck? There is a message for you here.

Card Deck Genres:

Oracle , Spirituality , Daily practice


Mary Ann Benoit

The Synergy Tarot


An accomplished intuitive reader, artist, and Certified Tarot Master (CTM), invites you to explore the realm of tarot like never before with "The Synergy Tarot: An Intuitive Tarot Experience for the Digital Age." This cutting-edge deck, designed exclusively for the Deckible app, combines her artistic expertise and intuitive insights with the innovation of AI-generated imagery.

The slim, portable cards showcase a captivating blend of old-world aesthetics and modern technology, each one carefully edited and custom-designed. With over 20 years of experience in symbolic imagery and tarot, she has crafted a deck that serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth in the digital era.

Card Deck Genres:

Tarot , Daily practice , Uniquely shaped



Insightful Journeys


Dive into the depths of self-discovery with "Insightful Journeys," a beautifully crafted deck offering a unique blend of journal and oracle prompts designed to guide you along the winding paths of personal growth and reflection. Whether you're a seasoned journaler or curious about the insights oracle cards can bring to your daily reflections, this deck serves as a compassionate companion, illuminating your journey with thought-provoking prompts and timeless wisdom. Embrace the opportunity to explore your inner landscape, uncover hidden truths, and celebrate your life's path with every card you draw.

Reviews (1)


Åsa Strahlemo

A Word For Your Day


Life is full of chaos, grief, stress, joy, fun, awkward conversations, and more.

These cards are a tool that create a "Positive Interruption" for your brain to stop, pause and think. With this "brain break," you can experience a shift in perspective and continue on the same path, shift direction, and/or be refreshed to handle the chaos.

This tool is effective for individuals, families, friends, groups and teams.

Enjoy the benefits of Positive Interruptions!


Jane Bishop

The Wild Wisdom Oracle Card Deck


The Wild Wisdom Oracle Cards are inspired by the fullness of life, and each card represents a different aspect of the human experience, from joy and abundance to grief and transformation. These cards offer guidance, insights, and reflections on the journey of personal growth and spiritual development through the body, heart, mind and soul.

We truly believe that The Wild Wisdom Oracle Cards and the practices inspired by them have the power to transform lives.

We are honoured to share them with you.

What is The Wild Wisdom®?

It's a calling to honour our nature and our divinity. It's a simple method to support you to live in integrity by developing your instinct, intuition, insight and inspiration.

Together, we are creating a community to bring these cards into the world and help people to access the wild wisdom that lies within us all.

This Oracle deck is structured into four houses with a common focus, the same central mandala but with specific colourways and power phrases that can be used with meditations as a personal development and awareness practice to access The Wild Wisdom.

Wild Body Wisdom - Instinct - Relationship with your embodied form
Wild Heart Wisdom - intuition - Relationship with others
Wild Mind Wisdom - Insight - Relationship with thoughts
Wild Soul Wisdom - Inspiration - Relationship with Life and Spirituality

Enjoy engaging with your cards and connect to our community for loving support and companionship on your journey. [LINK]

Until we meet in person be wild, be wise, be well, always. x


Monica Douglas

Daily Ceremony Deck


This stunning 55-card deck connects you to your intuitive clarity, offering you a swift dose of guidance and ceremony.

With a curated selection of words to guide your day, the Daily Ceremony deck invites you to select a card to receive the teaching of your chosen word in your own way. Connect to your intuitive clarity with a swift, simple dose of ceremony.


Elena Brower

Open your Heart - Affirmation Cards


Unlock the Power of Positive Transformation:
Our deck is designed to assist you in reprogramming your subconscious beliefs, fostering confidence, self-esteem, and a profound connection with the Universe's mysterious, loving power. Daily affirmations are a potent tool, shaping self-confidence, fostering positivity, and setting the course for our lives. Engaging in daily affirmations is an easy yet impactful method to nurture a mindset that is both positive and empowered.

• Empower Your Journey with Daily Affirmation Cards App: Designed for every woman on her journey towards self-discovery and positivity, each card in this digital deck is a fusion of wisdom, strength, and love—a touchstone to your inner world.
• Artistic and Inspirational: Featuring exquisite artwork and thoughtful affirmations, our app brings the beauty of 'The Healing Touch' painting by a Spiritual Italian Artist right to your fingertips. These are not just words; they're beacons of wellness and self-love, crafted to inspire and uplift.
• Transformative Daily Practice:
This collection of 49 digital cards is a catalyst for positive change. Engage daily to boost confidence, foster self-love, and cultivate positive habits. Each affirmation encourages resilience, gratitude, and self-acceptance, reshaping your mindset towards optimism and growth.
• Ideal for Every Spiritual Journey:
Whether you're embarking on self-discovery or deepening your spiritual practice, these cards provide insights and reflections that enhance your journey. They are perfect for meditation, reflection, and as a source of daily motivation.
Embrace a life where positivity, self-love, and spiritual fulfillment are not just concepts, but a lived, empowering reality with our Affirmation Cards App.



Present Teachings presents a collection of insights focused on various themes, including sensuality, perspective, ascension, illusion, permission, infinity, and awareness. Each card offers guidance and wisdom to enhance understanding and promote personal growth. Through contemplation and reflection, explore these topics to deepen your current awareness, expand your perspective, and elevate your consciousness on the journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.
Looking Forward to >>> FUTURE MATRIX • Series Three

Reviews (1)


Pati Maez

Intention Deck


Use this deck to set a daily, weekly, monthly, or even an annual new year intention. Shuffle the deck, draw a card, and let the intention card wisdom set you on a positive course.

Card Deck Genres:

Mindfulness , Daily practice

The Power of 3 Mantra Deck


MANTRA - “group of words; the spiritual value of a mantra comes when it is audible, visible or present in thought.”

MANTRAS for your daily practice. A 33 card deck each card created from original artwork and containing 3 words to guide you through your day.

  1. Choose one card to guide you through your day.
  2. Read the 3 words on the card you chose, out loud and 3 times. Place the card where you will see it often throughout your day - on your altar, in the car or bathroom mirror.
  3. Repeat the 3 words to yourself as you go through your day and pay attention to insights and signs as they come to you.

I encourage you to use the cards in your own way. However your soul guides you to. TRUST. TRUST. TRUST.

Power Animal Oracle


This beautiful 22 card oracle deck connects you to the animal world in all it’s magical beauty.
Connect with the animals to bring you a daily message or connect deeper on your spiritual journey. Also included is my Power Animal class, with information & meditations to connect to your power animal.


Debbie Ryan

Divine Guidance Oracle


The Divine Guidance Oracle Deck is a powerful tool for seekers of insight, inspiration, and clarity. Comprising a collection of beautifully illustrated cards, each card carries its own unique message that spans various aspects of life, from personal growth and relationships to challenges and opportunities. With its profound symbolism and intuitive wisdom, this deck is designed to offer guidance, reflection, and a deeper connection to one's inner wisdom and spiritual journey. Whether used for daily readings, meditation, or contemplation, the Divine Guidance Oracle Deck serves as a beacon of light and support on the path of self-discovery and transformation.

Card Deck Genres:

Oracle , Daily practice


Yulia Niaguseva

Return to Mindfulness


Life is messy. And it’s beautiful. The Return deck offers a mindful lens for everyday life, to find beauty even in the messiness. You can draw cards to gain clarity about what’s happening and what’s important in the middle of a challenging day. You can also practice with the cards when life is good—to deepen your connection with all of life in that moment and make meaningful choices that benefit you, your loved ones, and the world.

Like a mindful friend, these cards are designed to be there for you when you need them.

Practice and play with the mindfulness cards to:

  1. Start your day intentionally
  2. Find clarity about a situation or relationship
  3. Make choices that are personally and collectively fulfilling
  4. Share a meaningful experience with a loved one
  5. Return to your present moment experience, possibilities, and creative insight

These cards are a work of love combining many hours of meditation, contemplative discussions, research, and a human centered approach to address the question:

What would help meditators integrate mindfulness into their everyday life?

The answers, we discovered, are relevant to everyone—whether you’ve been meditating for years or you’re not interested in meditation. Here’s the thing. Our minds enable us to see clearly, connect deeply, and find creative solutions. The same mind can also cloud our thinking, create divisiveness, and cause harm to ourselves and others.

While we may not have control over our circumstances, we can systematically and playfully strengthen habits of the mind that enable us to return to our innate capacity to know, feel, love, and connect with what’s important while staying open to possibilities.

More specifically, there are eight habits of the mind that empower us to be mindful in the real world:
1. Awareness
2. Compassion
3. Curiosity
4. Energy
5. Appreciative Joy
6. Inner Calm
7. Focus
8. Equanimity

Yup, based on the original mindfulness teachings and modern science, we can strengthen these eight habits that disrupt our default tendencies to rush and react and be mindful. This deck was designed to help you do that!

Each card in this deck has been lovingly created by Dr. Shalini Bahl and Max Alaghband to meet you wherever you are on your journey.

Dr. Bahl brings her lifelong commitment to mindfulness backed by her trainings, award-winning research, and experience of teaching thousands of people around the world.

Max Alaghband brings his training and expertise in yoga and human-centered design, which informed the development, testing, and trying of this product.

Most importantly, we brought our full selves to the project and hope that everyone benefits from these cards as much as we did in the process of creation and continue to do so as a part of our daily practice.

We'd like to acknowledge the mindful energy and creative contributions of the following team members.

Ankrish Milne ~ Creative OG Team Member
Laureen Andalib ~ Our talented designer for the cards
Jason Garvale ~ Mindful designer of the icons


There are many ways to engage with this deck on your own, with a partner, or with a group:

  1. Go through the entire deck, picking one card each day and using it as a reminder to practice and play throughout your day, and/or

  2. Pick a card from a mindful habit you feel you need most in that moment and let it guide you to return to your place of inner knowing, and/or

  3. Pick a random card and trust that that's the mindful habit you most need in that moment to see clearly and act intentionally

If you like, take the free mindfulness assessment to reflect on which mindful habits need your loving attention and which habits you're already strong in: https://knowyourmind.training/take-the-mindfulness-quiz/

PS: Please reach out to us with your glitches in using Return. As we resolve these issues, we thank you for being an early user and supporter of Return. We will offer a Beta pricing of $5.99 till we are satisfied that the product is working like it should. After that the price will be $22.99.

The Answer is Within metaphoric cards


Metaphoric cards are a type of tool used in therapy, coaching, and self-exploration to facilitate communication, insight, and personal growth. These cards consist of images and symbols that represent various concepts, emotions, and experiences.
Each card typically has a unique design and meaning, and users can use them to explore their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. The images or symbols on the cards are often open to interpretation, allowing the user to project their own experiences and emotions onto them.
Metaphoric cards can be used in a variety of ways, such as to explore relationships, personal goals, and life challenges. Users may select cards that resonate with them or use them to stimulate their imagination and creativity. The cards can be used individually or in groups, and can be integrated into a variety of therapeutic or coaching approaches.


Yulia Niaguseva

Prompt cards for your Morning Pages


This card deck is the ideal companion for your daily journaling practice. They provide the perfect prompts to create a daily morning pages journal.

Writing a morning pages journal leads to a connection with wisdom and insight. The 70 question cards in this deck are a catalyst for creative thinking, internal reflection, and mindful meditation that will connect you to wisdom. Using the cards daily to start your morning pages journaling will elevate your thinking to new levels of insight.

“During periods of relaxation after concentrated intellectual activity, the intuitive mind seems to take over and can produce sudden clarifying insights which give so much joy and delight.” Fritjof Capra, Physicist.

Use these cards daily to stimulate your intellect. Reflect on your morning pages journal to foster intuition and insight.


Hidden Hope



Relationships are at the core of our experience: personal, inter-personal and professional. In fact, they are the building blocks that create our lives. How to purify and make these unions more perfect is rich with opportunity.

ORA+CLE is a vehicle for finding meaning & magic in the quotidian. 50 cards of wisdom gained through my decades-long design practice—illuminating ways to reframe, recharge and reflect.

What’s an ORA+CLE Deck?

An oracle deck is similar to Tarot; an object of meditation that encourages its participant to explore and uncover truths about themselves. It holds the promise of a dynamic, positive, spiritual transformation via understanding our essential selves.

Where ORA+CLE differs from an oracle deck or Tarot is that it’s a looser, more utilitarian exploration. Its scope encompasses the emotional experiences we have as designers. ORA+CLE was developed pragmatically, intuitively, and yes, sacredly.

ORA+CLE is meant to be used on its own — as a way of deepening inquiry — or as a compliment to a Tarot practice. Oh! And it encourages you to use your critical thinking skills, too.

While ORA+CLE is a divination tool created with the needs of designers in mind, it works for anyone who interfaces professionally or personally with humans. So, pretty much everyone.

Why an Oracle Deck?

The designer/client relationship is at the core of my professional and artist practice. How to purify and make these unions more perfect is rich with opportunity. The inquiry lights me up.

Cultivating the intimacy necessary for a rewarding designer/client rapport is often avoided under the guise of being ‘professional.’ This fiction results in distrust, disinterest, dissatisfaction. On both sides. My stance is more emotional investment, not less, is the only way to conduct business. ORA+CLE is a tool to harness a paradigm shift.

Why the name ORA+CLE?

The name ORA+CLE began as a typo, and I liked it. The typesetting is an aesthetic composition that also clearly identifies the nature of the object.


Card Deck Genres:

Oracle , Mindfulness , Daily practice


Jennifer Elsner

Inner Path Yoga Deck


Discover the 8 limbs of yoga through stunning art, powerful insights and guided practices that bring this wisdom into your daily life.

Draw a card, read the teaching and apply it to your life and practice.

Amiko Cards feature simple, evidence-based ideas that can help us to feel better at times when life's a bit tough.

In moments of feeling stressed, overwhelmed or generally out-of-sorts, look through the cards and ask, "What would help right now?"

When you find an idea that feels good - do it - in whatever way works for you.

To find out more, look up any of the cards on the Amiko membership site and you'll find the latest research, videos and more.


Katie Elliott



"ANCESTRAL WHISPERS" Oracle Deck invites those who are seeking answers to explore multi-dimensional wisdom and support available to them From The Collective of their Ancestors and The Source.

Each card is infused with a powerful energy of Love to create changes simply by interacting. If you are on a precipice of stepping into the next vibrational level and seeking guidance, this deck is for you.


Milana Vinokur

Master the Art of Teaming


Mastering the Art of Teaming means building team capabilities across the 7 skills of highly effective teams. These are TRUST, CHALLENGE, SUPPORT, ADAPTABILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY, PURPOSE, and IMPACT.

This card deck provides 70 strategies to develop and embed these team skills. You can use them to develop your team leadership or share them with your team to accelerate team development.

Embedding the 7 skills and 70 strategies has been shown to increase team effectiveness, cohesion, and performance to create greater impact.

Start mastering the ART of TEAMING today.



Embrace your radiant self.

Rooted in the timeless wisdom of 'the sun always rises,' the SUNRISE ORACLE Deck is a transformative tool comprised of 58 cards.

It invites you to uncover profound insights that fuel personal growth and empowerment. Much like the sun's rays, which can evoke both comforting warmth and intense heat our emotions can span from gentleness to an overwhelming intensity, profoundly shaping our inner experiences.

With each card you will explore the interplay between your inner emotional landscape and the radiant power of the sun, learning to navigate the spectrum of feelings and energies within yourself. Embrace the journey to awaken your spirit of self-discovery, trust your intuition, and warmly welcome new possibilities as you illuminate your essence.

Menopause Mastery Oracle


Embrace the transformative journey of menopause with grace, resilience, and empowerment through the "Menopause Mastery Oracle" deck. This deck of 46 cards is designed to support women through every stage of menopause, offering words of wisdom, encouragement, and empowerment to navigate this significant life transition with confidence and authenticity.
Each card features a powerful affirmation, encapsulating essential themes such as self-love, resilience, self-care, and embracing change. With affirmations carefully crafted to resonate with women navigating menopause, this deck serves as a daily reminder to honor the body, mind, and spirit during this transformative phase of life.
From embracing your authentic self to finding joy in self-expression, from cultivating inner strength to celebrating your unique journey, each affirmation offers a beacon of light to guide you through the ups and downs of menopause with courage and grace. Whether used as a daily ritual, meditation aid, or source of inspiration, these affirmations empower women to embrace the journey of menopause with confidence, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Experience the power of positive affirmations as you embark on this transformative journey, finding solace, strength, and inspiration in the "Menopause Mastery Oracle" deck. Illuminate your path, cultivate self-love, and embrace the fullness of life as you navigate the profound changes of menopause with grace and authenticity.


Simone Morgan

Essentials: Envision, Seek, Realize


Flourish now and enjoy the good life! It's possible no matter your age or stage of life, with the essentials of positivity, meaning, and vitality.

Envision, seek, and realize the good life for yourself by strengthening your resilience and enhancing your awareness of the essentials for flourishing with this deck of bold colors and shapes, and thoughtful prompts. Essentials offers the opportunity for deep and mindful reflection.

Whether your reflective practice is weekly, daily, or simply as needed, the connections and insights you discover have transformative potential for your flourishing good life.


Kathleen Rudoff