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**Metaphoric Associative Cards (MAC)** decks are a type of psychological tool used primarily in therapeutic, coaching, and self-reflection contexts. These decks consist of a set of cards, often with images, words, or symbols that evoke various emotional, cognitive, and creative responses. 

The term "metaphoric associative" refers to the way the cards prompt the user to associate the images with their own thoughts, emotions, or experiences in a metaphorical way. The underlying principle is that the subconscious mind can express itself more freely through metaphors, which bypass the logical thinking barriers.

##Characteristics of MAC Decks:

- **Images or Words:*** MAC decks may include cards with pictures (abstract or realistic) or single words or phrases. Some decks combine both.

- **Open Interpretation:** The cards are meant to be interpreted freely and personally, allowing for subjective meaning-making rather than fixed interpretations.

- **Symbolism and Metaphor:** Each card usually contains a visual or verbal stimulus that acts as a metaphor for the user's inner state, thoughts, or life experiences.

- **No Rules:** There are no fixed rules about how to interpret a card. The user's personal association and emotional response are the most important aspect.

##How People Use MAC Decks:

###Therapy and Counseling:

- Therapists use MAC decks to help clients explore feelings, memories, and experiences in a non-directive way. Clients might be asked to pick cards that reflect how they feel, how they see their current life situation, or their desires for the future.

- The cards can help bypass defenses or blockages by allowing clients to express thoughts through the images or metaphors they draw from the cards.

###Coaching and Personal Development:

- Coaches may use the cards to facilitate goal setting, problem-solving, or to gain insights into a client’s mindset.

- Clients can choose a card that represents their challenge or success and discuss how it relates to their goals.

###Creative Writing and Art:

- Writers or artists might use MAC decks as prompts for creative exercises. The cards serve as inspiration to develop stories, poems, or artistic projects based on the imagery or words.

###Group Facilitation:

- In groups, MAC decks can be used as icebreakers or tools for deep discussion. Each person might pick a card and share what it means to them, leading to meaningful group conversations.

###Self-Reflection and Mindfulness:

- Individuals might use these decks for introspective purposes, drawing cards daily or during specific moments to prompt deeper thinking or self-awareness.

MAC decks work by activating the creative, emotional, and intuitive parts of the mind. Because they don’t require direct or logical responses, they allow people to explore their inner world in a symbolic and non-threatening way.


Metaphoric Associative Cards (MAC) decks are a type of psychological tool used primarily in therapeutic, coaching, and self-reflection contexts. These decks consist of a set of cards, often with images, words, or symbols that evoke various emotional, cognitive, and creative responses.

The term "metaphoric associative" refers to the way the cards prompt the user to associate the images with their own thoughts, emotions, or experiences in a metaphorical way. The underlying principle is that the subconscious mind can express itself more freely through metaphors, which bypass the logical thinking barriers.

Characteristics of MAC Decks:

  • Images or Words:* MAC decks may include cards with pictures (abstract or realistic) or single words or phrases. Some decks combine both.

  • Open Interpretation: The cards are meant to be interpreted freely and personally, allowing for subjective meaning-making rather than fixed interpretations.

  • Symbolism and Metaphor: Each card usually contains a visual or verbal stimulus that acts as a metaphor for the user's inner state, thoughts, or life experiences.

  • No Rules: There are no fixed rules about how to interpret a card. The user's personal association and emotional response are the most important aspect.

How People Use MAC Decks:

Therapy and Counseling:

  • Therapists use MAC decks to help clients explore feelings, memories, and experiences in a non-directive way. Clients might be asked to pick cards that reflect how they feel, how they see their current life situation, or their desires for the future.

  • The cards can help bypass defenses or blockages by allowing clients to express thoughts through the images or metaphors they draw from the cards.

Coaching and Personal Development:

  • Coaches may use the cards to facilitate goal setting, problem-solving, or to gain insights into a client’s mindset.

  • Clients can choose a card that represents their challenge or success and discuss how it relates to their goals.

Creative Writing and Art:

  • Writers or artists might use MAC decks as prompts for creative exercises. The cards serve as inspiration to develop stories, poems, or artistic projects based on the imagery or words.

Group Facilitation:

  • In groups, MAC decks can be used as icebreakers or tools for deep discussion. Each person might pick a card and share what it means to them, leading to meaningful group conversations.

Self-Reflection and Mindfulness:

  • Individuals might use these decks for introspective purposes, drawing cards daily or during specific moments to prompt deeper thinking or self-awareness.

MAC decks work by activating the creative, emotional, and intuitive parts of the mind. Because they don’t require direct or logical responses, they allow people to explore their inner world in a symbolic and non-threatening way.

Intuition Heart Cards™ by Tal Shai


The Intuition Heart Cards™ are designed to help you explore your relationship with self, source, and others through the use of imagery, words, and the symbol of the heart. Each card is rich in universal layers of meaning that evoke an inner knowing, understanding, and recognition of what lies beyond superficial appearances. They reflect a deeper layer of the user's internal makeup and truth, eloquently illuminating what resides beneath the surface and beyond the obvious. The combination of imagery with psychologically informed words creates a vast array of possibilities for focusing on the addressed issue. To learn more, please visit https://www.TalShai.com


"The Intuition Heart Cards are a delightful way to explore the many aspects of the heart....and our deepest desire...to love and be loved. The cards give messages and guidance that provide inner reflection and intuitive interpretation. These cards are a great tool to help individuals and groups shed obstacles that block our highest love flow." - Nancy Clemens, author of The Dolphin Divination Cards"

" It is quite wonderful to experience the opening in people as they pick just the right card for their personal situation. In my work with couples the cards have acted as vehicles for authentic sharing and heart opening revelations. I have watched the cards create spaces in clients that are clearly linked to an inner knowing. On more than one occasion, a client has asked to pull cards at the beginning of a session. I recommend these cards to individuals, couples, and counselors in search of a non-threatening and inspiring tool." - Rev. Cynthia James, Mile Hi Church, Colorado, USA

"With the Intuition Heart Cards™ you can easily learn how to tune out the incessant chatter of your mind and align with the still flow of your intuitive voice. It makes moving from FUNKY doubt and worry to FABULOUS flow and crystal clear knowing, an absolute breeze… and a must for big dreamers!" -Eli Davidson, Bestselling Author of 'Funky to Fabulous'

"I have used the Intuition Heart Cards™ with adults recovering from substance abuse, women dealing with eating disorders, youth at risk and in corporate building seminars. Using the Intuition Heart Cards™ in groups deepened the conversation and opened people up in ways that were profound. I saw a huge difference in how people were able to express themselves both with and without the cards. I wouldn’t know what to do without them." -Tally Willmont, Founder of Equine Promise Program, CA

For more resources and inspiration visit us at https://www.TalShai.com


Tal Shai

Fairy Tales metaphoric cards


Fairy tale metaphoric cards are a tool that uses images and symbols from fairy tales to provide insights into a person's life, emotions, and future. Fairy tale metaphoric cards can be used for a variety of purposes, including self-reflection, decision-making, problem-solving, and spiritual growth. They offer a unique and imaginative way to explore the deeper aspects of our psyche and tap into the collective wisdom of traditional folklore and mythology. They can be an excellent tool for working with both children and adults, providing a creative and engaging activity that can be presented in a game format.
Each of us has an inner child - we were all once children, spontaneous, creative, joyful, curious, and well aware of our desires. However, contact with our inner child can be lost, causing us to miss out on many strong characteristics and joyful opportunities. Fairy tale metaphoric cards can help restore our connection with our inner child and provide a deeper understanding of our desires and motivations. But of course, the benefits of fairy tale metaphoric cards go beyond restoring contact with our inner child. There are lots of articles about the benefits of fairy tale therapy, and the main specific of those cards is that fairytale is a natural, comprehensible and ecological format that does not scare us.
Fairy Tales Deck includes characters, locations, different items (like letter, sword, money chest etc.), animals and other mythical creatures.


Yulia Niaguseva

Portals of Presence


Enter a deeper relationship with yourself and the world through the universal language of the human face. The images in this deck were selected from 20 years of work created in the presence of ancient trees, mountains, standing stones, temples, cathedrals, and human wisdom carriers from many lineages. Each face radiates a unique presence. Think of them as allies, nature spirits, beloveds, or visitors from subtle realms. Gaze deeply and explore your relationship with these beings.
Rather than offer written meanings, the guidebook supports you to cultivate your own experience of the cards. It offers ways to select them, lay them out, and enliven them through creative processes. It also includes digital access to a guided meditation with original music. Use it to hold sacred space while you work with the cards. Portals of Presence can be combined with SoulCards 1&2, each deck bringing a new dimension to the other.

“A gift to everyone who will look into infinity through these eyes.” Vicki Robin

“The deck has sacred assignments, for they are instruments of attunement that bridge us to sacred relationships and co-creation with the most intimate forces in life.” Orion Foxwood

“Wonderful windows into the worlds beyond…where wisdom can be sought and exchanged.” Caitlin Matthews

Approach this deck with an open mind and heart. It is not an oracle in the usual sense. It is an invitation to develop relationship with the great community of life. May these faces, drawn from the heart of the world, open portals to the subtle worlds, reminding us of the wholeness within which we reside. Gaze at these beings and allow your experience to unfold.

The Vision for this Deck

The 72 faces in Portals of Presence were selected from among thousands of Touch Drawings I created over twenty years. Each face was drawn in a particular setting: beneath an ancient tree, on a mountaintop, in a sacred temple, before a standing stone, or in the presence of a human soul. As I sat with each of them, I used the process of Touch Drawing https://touchdrawing.com to translate my subtle impressions into the form of a human face. Each face radiates a presence that is both unique and universal.
The face is the most familiar visual pattern in the human psyche. From the moment we are born, we center our world on the faces of the people close to us. As we gaze into their eyes, they gaze back. In mirroring each other, we communicate on a level beyond words. There is mutuality in this meeting.
Can we use this primal visual language to open portals of communion with our own deeper psyche and realms of consciousness beyond our familiar human world? A face in a printed photograph is only ink on paper. Yet we can attune to the presence of the person represented through focusing on the image. The faces on these cards can be used as focal points through which to attune to a more expansive range of consciousness. Think of them as personifications of elemental life forms, ancient wisdom lineages, spiritual allies, or visitors from unfamiliar realms.
There is a mystery that fuels this deck; a sense that unseen beings want to engage with it as a point of contact with our human-centric world. In this time of accelerating challenge on the planet, the possibility of expanding our range of connection can offer hope that we do not have to face our challenges alone. Rather, we are in this predicament because we have lost our sense of communion with life. Use this deck to expand your awareness to your deeper self, subtle realms beyond the familiar human world, and the sentience in all life.

A Larger Context

I have been involved with the teachings of David Spangler for many years. He offers a spiritual perspective that is deeply affirming of the experience of being human. His articulation of the sacredness of life, which he calls Incarnational Spirituality, encompasses an ecological understanding of the subtle realms. This worldview has provided a larger context in which I hold my life and work. Here are some of his thoughts. I hope it will enhance your understanding of this deck:
What is important in working with the subtle dimensions and with subtle allies is a deepening of your sense of being part of a living universe. Although contact and collaboration with the subtle worlds serve an important purpose — and increasingly so as we move into the future —what is equally important is that you re-envision and re-experience who you are.
You are a citizen, a participant, in a community of life, unfolding and thriving in a cosmos that is itself alive. One of the vital lessons arising from taking the time and attention to seek communion with the subtle life around you, is that you can discover yourself deepening into this community. And not only deepening, but being welcomed home. You are discovering the family you are part of, and with it, discovering the power you possess arising from this relationship.
One of the unfortunate consequences of life in our incarnate realms is that conditions of separation and alienation have developed. This is certainly true within the human experience, but it extends into the experiences of other forms of life as well. Barriers come into being that were never intended, but which are the result when different members of the same family forget how to talk to each other. To ignore the life around you or assume, because you cannot see it, that it does not exist is to confine yourselves to an echo chamber in which you only talk with others of your kind. Your world shrinks and you shrink with it.
The world you live in is expansive, and you are expansive as part of it. Achieving communication with a specific subtle being is less important than achieving communion with the community of all life, physical and non-physical, that embraces and holds you. This is a deepening and an opening of the heart to the life in the world around you. Just a simple acknowledgement, with love, of this life is enough to start the key turning that unlocks the door to the wider universe.
—David Spangler, Lorian.org


The faces in this deck were selected from among many drawings created in many settings. I do not identify the situation in which Portal drawings were created. This allows the user to experience them directly, without mental associations. But to give a sense of the depth and breadth of this body of work, below is a list of places, events and people whose spirit inspired one or more of the faces in this deck. Over time I will offer stories behind some of the faces in this deck as blog posts. Find these plus more images at touchdrawing.com.


Isle of Iona, Rosslyn Chapel and the Callenais Stones in Scotland, Chartres Cathedral in France, Mayan Temples Tikal & Uaxactun in Guatemala, Llanfeugan Yew Circle in Wales, Avebury Stone Circle in England, Singing Hill in California, La Push Quilute Reservation, Whidbey Institute, Mount Pilchuck, Skalitude, and my island studio in the Pacific Northwest US.


Parliament of the Worlds Religions, Global Earth Repair, Fairy and Human Relations Congress, Women of Wisdom, Seeds of Compassion, Dawn of Interspirituality, Findhorn Co-Creative Spirituality, Engaging the Other, Whidbey Winter Gathering, Gather the Women, New Stories, One the Event, Systemic Constellations Conference, Wisdom University’s Wisdom and Civilization, Mevlevi Whirling Dervish Sema, Indigenous Grandmothers Gathering, and Lorian Association classes.


His Holiness the Dalai Lama, David Spangler, James Twyman, Jim Garrison, Junko Kurata (Japan), Sister Lucy Kurien (India), Kai Fleming-Snow, Elias Lonsdale, Leland Kaiser, Mayan elder Tata Pedro Cruz Garcia (Guatemala), Lomilomi Kahuna Aunty Angeline Locey (Kauai), Maori Chieftess Dell Wihongi (New Zealand), Shaman Don Alverto Taxo (Equador), Abuela Margarita (Mexico), and the spirit of George Floyd & BLM.

Epic Leadership Journeys: Transformational Travel Wisdom


Looking through the lens of diverse, unfamiliar and unknown places, cultures and people sparks your sense of wonder, curiosity and imagination. What you see, feel, realize and understand shifts the way you perceive your leadership challenges and solutions. This shift helps you navigate the unruly noise, confusion and chaos of unprecedented - Epic - change.
Each travel image opens your eyes to different points of view and multi-faceted ways of experiencing clarity, resilience, and inspired action.

What you see, feel, think and sense ignites sudden unexpected insights, innovative ideas, and viable next steps.

This assists you in generating creative solutions, remedying critical situations, and resolving the unresolved.

The Transformational Travel Wisdom you glean from each photo illuminates an Essence of Epic Leadership — a compelling, effective and regenerative way to move with grace and ease into the liberating expansion of who you are as an Epic Leader.

Welcome to the Epic Leadership Journeys: Transformational Travel Wisdom experience.

“We can’t navigate epic change, its challenges, and the unknown territory ahead unless ‘our come from’ is Epic.” ~Sylvia Warren, MBA | Epic Leadership Coach

As Albert Einstein said: “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world.”



Supposing you believed that your best advice comes from within? Not just advice but creative courage for/from your wise Inner Artist. You’ve likely seen rigid art manikins posing on shelves. Have you ever seen this scarf-clad Emotikin living life fully? It's the Inner Artist personified. Go with us and within to explore magical inner landscapes from seashore to mountains and regular places too. These genuine photographs will transport you into soulful encounters with nature and serendipity. A few questions posed on each card point you toward imagining new possibilities. You also get an -ing word for living into the answers, as Rilke once told a young poet. Diving deep into the heart of your creativity has never been so curiously delightful!

When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image.


Thanks for playing! Be sure to check out the Guidebook, swiping to see all 7 pages, including the origin Story of a Life Before Fully Living and Care of Your Own Emotikin.


Shelly L. Francis is an author and creativity coach, speaker, and metaphortographer, who created her first Emotikin in 2003. She’d forgotten how to play and feel carefree, but the Emotikin brought her back to life. She began enjoying photoshoots and blogging for soul sustenance and fun, and is now happy to share the Supposing cards in print and digitally on the Deckible app. Author of The Courage Way and Eleven Brave Pinecones, She is publisher at Creative Courage Press in Colorado, where she is collaborating with other authors to create more courage for the complexity of being human. Visit CreativeCouragePress.com and Emotikin.com.