Emotional Collidescope


Emotional Collidescope (EC), The Introspection Deck, is designed to bolster human connections. Generate insight through conversations. Speak with intention, listen to comprehend, and above all, learn more about yourself and the people you're sharing this moment with.

​Emotional Collidescope, The Introspection Deck is filled with a series of introspective questions: Level one; Conscious. Level two; Preconscious. and Level three; Subconscious. Each level is lead by a different artist's thought-provoking art pieces.
Emotional COllidescope is where art meets psychology, "klecksography".

This is the time to create a safe space.
get intimately acquainted with vulnerability, untapped mental space, and subconscious emotional energy.
Allow yourself to dive deeper into your library of memories.
Create nostalgia and share your story.

This is a digital version of the deck. To access after purchase install the Deckible app.

Minimum requirements: iOS 15 or Android 14

Once installled open 'Emotional Collidescope' in the Deckible app.