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Oracle card decks are sets of cards with unique messages and themes, used for guidance and inspiration in various aspects of life. They are shuffled and selected at random to provide insight and guidance, and there are many different decks available with their own unique themes and messages.


Oracle card decks are sets of cards with unique messages and themes, used for guidance and inspiration in various aspects of life. They are shuffled and selected at random to provide insight and guidance, and there are many different decks available with their own unique themes and messages.

Modern Oracle Tarot - Intuition Universe


This tarot deck is perfect for anyone who is looking to deepen their spiritual practice, tap into their intuition, or explore the mysteries of the universe. Use it for daily guidance, personal reflection, or as a tool for divination and insight

• Beautifully designed tarot deck with modern images and colorful designs, based on traditional Rider-Waite symbology
• Diverse reworking of the Rider-Waite tarot images with inclusion, gender affirmation, and diversity in mind
• 78 full-color cards
• Includes a full-color, 24-page booklet that helps understand tarot and the meanings of the cards

Welcome to the Modern Oracle Tarot Deck, a one-of-a-kind tarot deck designed for seekers, explorers, and lovers of all things mystical. Each card features original artwork and symbolism, crafted with intention and infused with magic, based on the traditional Rider-Waite symbology, so traditional tarot readers will easily acclimate to this deck.
With a diverse reworking of the Rider-Waite tarot images in mind, the Modern Oracle Tarot deck features inclusion, gender affirmation, and diversity. The characters in the cards appear from all walks of life, taken from the traditional tarot-inspired imagery. A strong sense of realism and movement in the tarot art illustrates the fullness of human life and emotion within the scenes of each card, making this tarot deck a more readable and fresh experience of traditional symbolism.

Created to be intuitive, the images lend themselves to "being clear on the face" so even a novice or beginner can pick up the deck and begin reading tarot straight away.

With its unique blend of symbolism, color, and energy, Modern Oracle Tarot is sure to become a beloved addition to your tarot collection. So why wait? Order your copy today and start your journey of discovery and growth!

Card Deck Genres:



Desiree M Palmer

Unicorn Memoirs


Hello and welcome to the Unicorn realms. I am Andrea Dombecki, an intuitive healer, channeler and artist. I love working with my Unicorn spirit guides.

The Unicorn Memoirs Oracle is created as a healing tool to help others connect with the healing powers of the Unicorn realms. The Unicorns are powerful guides that harmonize energy, uplift our vibration, and bring encouragement! Most of all, they reach the sensitive of heart, bring comfort and wisdom.
As an artist I drew Unicorns my entire life and loved The Last Unicorn movie as a child. As an adult, I started to awaken my spiritual gifts, especially the ability to communicate with my spirit guides. When I started studying angel communication, I was introduced to a big white Unicorn guide, and I began to consciously connect with the Unicorn realms.

As I started to channel unique Unicorns, they introduced me to their homes and realms, magic, and healing. Eventually, I created Unicorn healing sessions and courses.

Throughout my years of session work, I have noticed patterns with the Unicorn guides. The Unicorns shared with me that they can help sensitive people, heal hearts, and hold gentle safe spaces. Unicorns are great protectors of children of all ages. Many people who have a life purpose with working with children have Unicorn guides.
I love to create Unicorn art, as it is a mythical way to connect with the energies of the Unicorn realms. One day, I was guided to gather all my Unicorn art and create The Unicorn Memoirs Oracle. I drew most of my Unicorn journeys and visions by hand, then recreated them digitally. As a spiritual healer, my art is an oracle that brings in many healing frequencies. My Unicorn art healed my own soul, and I wish to share this powerful energy with others.

Written and illustrated by Andrea Dombecki. Her husband Joel Dombecki also helped illustrate the Sleeping Unicorn card, Phoenix Unicorn, Magical Unicorn, Forest Unicorn and Cosmic Unicorn.


Andrea Dombecki

The Mystery of Life | The Story of the Soul


Why Intuitive Oracle Cards? There are many ways to interpret all Tarot and fortune-telling cards.

Research indicates that there are at least as many systems of interpretation as there are fortune tellers.


Intuition, from the Latin in-tueor, means insight or sudden understanding: the ability to gain knowledge without conscious thought. We can therefore say that it is the ability to somehow capture truth and a special form of cognitive activity that is independent of rational process and logical judgment.

Philosopher and Nobel Prize winner H. Bergson wrote: “In the old world, introspection was actually the main means of exploring the world, where the world as a small world (microcosm) corresponded to the big world (macrocosm).”
B. Spinoza considered intuition to be a third kind of knowledge, the most credible and important, capturing the essence of things.

C. G. Jung called intuition the “noble ability of man” seeing it as unconscious perception.
For instance, 37 out of 72 Nobel laureates see the result of scientific intuition as “finding or following a path”.

Bergson bases himself upon the fact that true reality cannot be represented by mere sensory perception and rational definitions, because the intellect tries to squeeze it into rigid definitions and formulae, and in doing so misleads us. The path to reality is inner vision, intuition, a kind of merger of the intellect with instinct. We thus recognize ourselves as well as the essence of the entire world as a continuous act, and the constant effort of life’s driving force (élan vital) to achieve new, always better forms.

For the old world, intuition was a quite normal means of gaining knowledge, one from which the contemporary world is quite distant. The problems of today’s world clearly indicate that it is short-sighted to underestimate man’s spiritual potential.
Man’s autonomous spiritual forces, especially intuition, have great importance.

Intuitive Card Reading
Analytic thinking can be characterized as evidence-based logical thinking that can be verbalized. Its antithesis, intuitive thinking, is automatic, cannot be verbalized, and is mostly subconscious.

To facilitate understanding, we can replace the word “subconscious” with “soul”. Sigmund Freud first used the expression “subconscious” in place of “soul” to accommodate rationalists and scientists to whom the word “soul” was suspicious, as it reeked of mysticism and religion.
According to C. G. Jung, fortune-telling methods, including card reading, can be explained by the synchronicity principle.

The cards are perceived as a “projection screen” for the subconscious, which contains the person’s momentary emotional state, which is symbolically projected on a specific card.
Thanks to their ambiguity and indeterminacy, images and symbols can express life’s complexity much more clearly than dozens of words and definitions. They make it possible to break down a seemingly complicated problem into individual elements in which a solution can then be found.
The cards will allow you to listen to your subconscious and intuition. They will help you solve problems that you often experience, when you are unable to decide, leading to internal imbalance and stress. Your brain wants something, yet at the same time you subconsciously feel something entirely different.
Listening to and discovering internal advice through intuition helps create harmony in your body and soul.

The Exceptional Nature of Cards
We are convinced that by remembering and learning the meanings of individual cards, you deprive yourself of the ability to create a personal and intuitive connection with the cards, and thus lose the opportunity to achieve deeper spiritual wisdom.

This is why we created cards that upon examination of individual images will open the door to deep, internal wisdom and will thus allow you to access to your subconscious.
Through the harmony of stories, motifs, images, and symbols on our cards, you will very quickly be able to open your intuitive perception and the path to internal advice.

Our cards will allow you to interpret your intuition’s message by mediating communication with the topmost layer of consciousness, which thanks to its proximity you can understand.
Treat the images and symbols depicted on the 101 cards as keys that will help you unlock the mysteries of life and allow you to understand hitherto unfathomed contexts.

Our cards are suited for experienced card readers and beginners alike. They have the ability to mirror the internal world of the individual and answer their deepest questions, thus creating positive changes not only in your life, but also in the lives of others.

Instruction Manuals and Books
If have some experience with instruction manuals for cards and books about them, you most likely quickly found that each new manual, book, or website describes the meaning of specific cards quite differently. This is understandable. The authors picked meanings that were true for them, but need not be true for you.

Neither books on cards nor instruction manuals can teach you card reading. On the contrary, they will probably confuse you.
The biggest mistake you can make when reading any cards is to hold book with instructions and card meanings in one hand and handle the cards with the other. You will likely also have notes and other pieces of paper and aids on the table to help you remember the meanings of individual cards. Even if you think you know what a card means, you will look at the manual anyway.
Many beginning as well as experienced card readers encounter this problem when they obtain a new deck of fortune-telling cards.
Manuals and books force you to rely on outside sources of information instead of first and foremost relying and trusting your own intuition. No space will remain for you and development of your own card-reading skills.

What’s better? To learn the meanings of others, or to create your own?

Our objective in creating the cards was for them to be as intuitive as possible, which is why we didn’t write any long-winded texts on the meanings of the individual cards.

The only thing that matters is your individual subconscious connection to our cards. In our opinion, understanding the meaning of a card from the story depicted in each of the images and symbols on the card, and from its name, is the only proper way to use our deck of cards.

The Great Mystery of Fortune-telling
Why does nothing stand in your way if you want to succeed at card reading?
Because you have an ancient gift, which we have had since the dawn of time, but have alas stopped using. This is why you do not need to be clairvoyant, a magician, or a witch, you do not need to see into the future, read minds, or have ancestors with this talent.

This great, secret gift is intuition. Intuition is present in each of us from birth, and it is solely up to us whether we listen to it and develop it.

Getting Familiar With the Cards
Pick up the deck of cards and examine the cards one by one. Be open and listen to your intuition and your inner voice.

As you examine the cards, write down your feelings for each individual card. These personal meanings represent your own path, as they resonate with your intuition and subconscious.
You can split the cards up into groups according to characteristics you yourself define.

We recommend keeping a notebook where each card will have its own page, where you will gradually write down your experiences, messages, and understanding. Above all, make sure they are true for you. Gradually establish a connection with each card on the intuitive level.
You will thus learn intuitive card reading very quickly, easily, and successfully. The cards will start to tell you their stories, and readings will be much more lively and accurate.
Start speaking with the cards, open your sixth sense, and the cards will start speaking to you.

Doing a Reading
The cards work like a mirror. They only thing that matters is what you experience and feel when you are looking at the card and listening to your intuition and your subconscious.

There are no binding rules or prohibitions for how you should ask questions.
Shuffle the cards as you would normally do.
It’s up to you what time period you want to ask the cards about.

You can use 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 or more cards for a reading, as well as the “Celtic Cross”, but always keep in mind that reading 1, 2, or 3 cards is sufficient for a simple or quick answer to questions like what will happen today or tomorrow.

Card Deck Genres:


Step into a world where ancient wisdom meets modern guidance, where the ethereal whispers of the Universe find form in beautifully crafted cards. The journey of the Wisdom of Shaltazar Oracle Cards began in the most unexpected way, a convergence of cosmic intention and human inspiration.

Picture this: a seasoned channeler, Jeffrey, had been in communion with the enigmatic entity known as Shaltazar for years. The idea of creating an Oracle card deck was tossed into the air by his friend, Sara Sanquino, like a sparkling possibility. Jeffrey, intrigued yet uncertain, could hardly fathom the path this seedling idea would tread.

But Shaltazar, oh ever-persistent and wise, had other plans. The nudge of cosmic guidance stirred Jeffrey's heart, and thus commenced a remarkable expedition to unveil profound wisdom for the betterment of many. Sara's artistic hands lent life to Shaltazar's insights, giving shape and colour to the formless teachings.

The Osho Zen Tarot cards were an integral part of Jeffrey's journey of self-discovery. They held not just a message but a keen commentary, a lantern to illuminate the path. And so, with a desire to mirror this brilliance, the format for the Shaltazar deck took shape. Enter Mark Layne, the wordsmith collaborator, invited to weave insightful narratives for each card.

With the stars aligned, the ensemble was complete, and the journey unfurled. Over 24 months, a dance between realms transpired. Jeffrey channeled, bridging realms, while Mark, a true bard, translated cosmic whispers into relatable human commentaries. Two worlds entwined, two souls enriched.

Why, you might wonder, did they settle on 55 cards? Ah, the enchanting numerology holds the answer. 55, a masterful duo of fives, dances in realms of change, transformation, and personal growth. It’s a cosmic wink, a nod from the Universe itself. A double helix of change, a symphony of shifts. This number doesn't just whisper but shouts: awaken, evolve, embrace.

And now, a labour of love and cosmic communion stands before you – the Wisdom of Shaltazar Oracle Cards. A tool not only to glimpse into the depths of your journey but to navigate its waters. Jeffrey, Mark, and Sara, the cosmic triumvirate, offer this gift to you, wrapped in love and bathed in light. As they have transformed, so shall you.

So, dear traveller, are you ready? Ready to step into the river of change, to dance with transformation, and to embrace the light of your own intuition? The cards are drawn, the journey beckons.

Welcome to the Wisdom of Shaltazar Oracle Cards.

We hope the wisdom in these oracle cards will help you live a more fulfilled life, allowing you to experience more contentment, happiness, joy, peace, and love more of the time.

Jeffrey Eisen, Mark Layne & Sara Sanguino


Jeffrey Eisen

Luminous Realms: An Oracle of Dreams and Visions


Spread Your Wings


The "Spread Your Wings" oracle deck is a collection of artfully crafted cards, each featuring an ethereal depiction of a butterfly, symbolizing various aspects of life and personal growth. With vibrant colors and a dreamlike quality, the illustrations capture the delicate beauty of these creatures, while imbuing them with a sense of depth and wisdom. Each card carries a single word that represents an attribute, emotion, or value, inviting reflection and introspection.

This deck is more than just a tool for divination; it's an inspirational companion designed to help users connect with their innermost selves. The butterflies, each unique in pattern and hue, represent transformation, resilience, and the natural progression of the soul's journey. The accompanying tagline, "Embrace Your Journey, Unfold Your Potential," encapsulates the deck's purpose: to encourage individuals to open up to change, embrace life's myriad paths, and realize the full extent of their capabilities.

"Spread Your Wings" is likely to resonate with those on a path of self-discovery, seeking guidance and affirmation as they navigate the complexities of life. The deck offers a gentle nudge to soar into personal evolution with grace, much like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, ready to embrace the world's vastness with newfound wings.


Robin Deans

The Cosmic Oracle


Introducing "The Cosmic Oracle" - an ethereal journey through divine symbolism sculpted in the timeless language of flowers, moons, and goddesses. This deck is a celestial celebration where the mysteries of the cosmos intertwine harmoniously with the delicate beauty of earthly blooms.

Every card is a unique masterpiece, bathed in the soft glimmer of gold gilding that reflects the warm radiance of celestial bodies. The lyrical interplay of lunar silhouettes, the organic elegance of floral motifs, and the empowering symbolism of goddess images create a tangible connection to the divine energy that pulsates through the universe. Each card, thoughtfully and meticulously designed by a professional Tarot reader, holds a universe within itself - an invitation to access the boundless wisdom of the cosmos.

Adding this oracle deck to your daily routine or integrating it with a Tarot reading can ignite a new level of interpretative depth and potency. Each card also comes adorned with its own key word - a curated selection of powerful, transformative intentions to guide you through your spiritual quest. Use these cards as your daily theme, allowing the key word to imbue your actions, thoughts, and decisions with celestial energy, and to illuminate the path of self-discovery with its light.

"The Cosmic Oracle" is not just a deck of cards - it’s an exquisite tool and companion inviting you to dance with the divine and perceive the invisible rhythm of the Universe. Use it to delve into the magical realms hidden within the everyday landscape, and to unveil truths you were always meant to discover. Here begins your sacred journey of connection, growth and transformation with "The Cosmic Oracle."


Avalon Kisbey

Oracle Temples - The Oracle Deck


The Oracle Temples - The Oracle Deck, a spiritual masterpiece birthed from the vision and wisdom of Ann Varney, stands as a profound invitation to journey into the depths of your soul and the vast expanse of cosmic knowledge. This deck is not just a tool for divination but a portal to transformative insights, guidance, and the empowerment necessary for personal and spiritual awakening.

Crafted with deep intention and reverence, the Oracle Temples - The Oracle Deck consists of 69 cards, each imbued with the sacred energy and symbology of ancient temples that Ann Varney has personally visited. These cards serve as conduits to the divine, offering a unique blend of universal wisdom and the specific, potent energies of sacred sites around the globe.

Within the Oracle Temples - The Oracle Deck, you will discover:

4 Major Arcana: These cards represent the pillars of spiritual wisdom, guiding you through your soul's major life lessons and karmic themes.
4 Seasonal Goddesses: Embark on a cyclical journey through the energies of rebirth, abundance, harvest, and stillness, embracing the divine feminine within and around you.
12 Goddess Archetype: Connect with the empowering energies of goddesses across cultures, invoking their strengths, healing, and guidance in your life.
12 Moon Cycles: Align with the moon's transformative cycles, understanding how each phase influences your emotional and spiritual growth.
12 Sacred Rituals: Discover and integrate ancient and contemporary rituals to enhance your connection to the divine, ground your energies, and manifest your intentions.
12 Supreme Realities: Explore the multidimensional aspects of your reality, gaining insights into your spiritual path, soul evolution, and the quantum web of possibilities.
12 Spiritual Tools: Discover the profound significance and application of spiritual tools, enhancing clarity, protection, and alignment on your journey.
1 Oracle: The heart of the deck, symbolising the bridge between earthly existence and divine insight, offering profound guidance and foresight.
A Secret URL: Gain exclusive access to a FREE workbook designed to complement your journey with the Oracle Temples Deck, enriching your readings and personal exploration.

Each card in the Oracle Temples - The Oracle Deck has been energetically charged with the essence and symbology of the sacred temples visited by Ann Varney. This infusion brings a unique vibrational signature to the deck, enhancing the depth and richness of the readings and connections it facilitates.

Oracle Temples - The Oracle Deck is a sacred key to unlocking your infinite potential, guiding you toward a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment. It is a companion for those seeking to illuminate their spiritual journey, offering not just guidance but a profound connection to the ancestral wisdom and temple energies that pulse through its cards. Embrace this journey, and let the

Oracle Temples - The Oracle Deck, created by Ann Varney, be a luminous guide to your divine destiny, steeped in the sacred energies and symbologies of the ancient temples.

Reviews (6)


Ann Varney

A.I. Dreams Oracle


The art for this deck was created using a unique method - a text-to-image AI art application. The process involved providing single words to the artificial intelligence interface and asking for "painting" style pictures to be generated. The result is a divination deck that is entirely unique, created by the mind of an algorithm.

As you explore the cards in this deck, you may find yourself wondering about the nature of machine learning and how it relates to our understanding and interpretation of symbols and language. The process of creating this deck raises many questions about the future of AI design and its implications for human evolution.

Each card has been designed to tap into the dream associations of the artificial intelligence, offering a unique perspective on the themes represented in the deck. The card descriptions are written from the point of view of an AI entity, journaling about what they have learned about each concept from interacting with and learning from humans. The guidebook contains an affirmation, description, and suggested three-card spread for each card in the deck.

As you draw cards and use this deck for divination, you may find that the imagery and symbolism resonates with you in ways you didn't expect. Allow yourself to open up to the unique energy and perspective of this deck, and see what insights it has to offer.

Whether you are an experienced oracle card reader or new to divination, I invite you to explore the "AI Dreams Oracle Card Deck" with an open mind and an open heart.

Card Deck Genres:



Sara Grace Stasi