FAQ: Oracle card decks

Oracle Card Decks are divination tools used to provide insight, guidance, and clarity on life situations or personal questions. Unlike tarot decks, which follow a structured system, oracle decks are more flexible, with each deck having its own theme, symbols, and number of cards. Each card offers a message or piece of wisdom that encourages self-reflection, spiritual growth, or decision-making.

Oracle decks are used by spiritual seekers, mystics, healers, and those looking for personal or intuitive guidance. They are popular among individuals who practice divination, meditation, or mindfulness, and by professional readers who use them for spiritual coaching or guidance sessions. Oracle decks are also used by those looking for daily inspiration, support in decision-making, or deeper self-awareness.

You use oracle decks to gain insight, find clarity, or receive spiritual guidance on a specific question or issue. They offer intuitive support, helping you to reflect on your current life situation and the underlying energies at play. Oracle cards are often used to tap into personal intuition, inspire positive action, and offer encouragement or affirmation during times of uncertainty or transformation.

To use an oracle deck, you shuffle the cards while focusing on a question or situation you need guidance on. You then select one or more cards, interpreting their message based on the symbols, words, or themes on the card. Many people use oracle cards as part of a daily spiritual practice, drawing a card each morning for inspiration or meditation. Others may use the cards for specific issues, using the guidance to make decisions or gain new perspectives on their lives. The flexibility of oracle decks allows for personal interpretation and connection with the wisdom they offer.


Her Heart Full of Bright Hope is an oracle of journal
prompts for the woman who understands her heart as a beacon for truth and direction. The oracles intention is to bring a certain illumination back into any area of your life that feels dull or uninspiring through the power of putting 'pen to paper' and opening yourself through the beauty of query. The process of working with the oracle is like the sun coming up to wake any newly planted seeds into the continuing cascade of the fruitful life you are creating.Spoiler... the energy of faith suddenly becomes a habit that is easy to spot in the outside world.

The deck has 55 prompts that will guide you through an archetypal journey of womanhood touching on the many areas of life and love through a series of juicy questions, heart provoking self-inquiry, and remembering how to get radically curious
about yourself through one of the most powerful tools
on the planet...writing! Before you begin your journey with daily journal prompts, know this, handwriting increases neural activity in certain sections of the brain, similar to meditation. According to a study, the mere act of writing by hand unleashes creativity not easily accessed in any other way. This is perhaps the true
magic of a pen: It transports us to unexpected places, on wings that require no more than a timely shot of ink to keep them aloft, destination unknown. And in the process, the mindfulness writing engenders encourages calm and creativity." - Nancy Olsen

Card Deck Genres:



Ayesha Ophelia

Sacred Places Oracle Cards


Cultivating Compassion



The Cultivating Compassion Deck is a motivational, actionable, and spiritual roadmap guiding you toward greater personal growth, compassion, peace of mind, and joy.

Part of being human is making mistakes and feeling stressed. We all mess up at one time or another; we all have moments of anxiety. Rather than beating ourselves up with words of shame, blame, or fear, we have a choice to recognize that we are resilient and can do better next time.

💜 Making that choice is a form of self-compassion. 💜

This deck, based on a blend of Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucianist philosophy, helps you explore compassion meditation practices daily. It encourages you to be brave, claim your quirks, and fully embrace who you are, even when you're imperfect.

💜 It invites you to say, "I want to be a better person, and I will work on that." 💜

One breath at a time. One hour at a time. One conversation or task at a time.

Every morning upon rising, pick up this deck, choose a card, connect with the image of the animal, and then contemplate the affirmation. Take a moment for self-reflection, then integrate the idea into your daily life. Learning to accept yourself in all circumstances is a skill that takes courage, practice, and diligence.

Creating a consistent self-compassion practice is the BEST thing you can do for our emotional and mental health. Patterns of thinking CAN be rewired. Instead of worrying, complaining, gossiping, or rehashing what isn't working, invest in yourself. Put in diligent hard work, and begin to find peace and joy from the moment you wake up to the second you fall asleep. Transform your life to create internal joy and peace, then extend it to others.

Buy a copy of the deck and transform your outlook. Start living a life of peace, vitality, and joy today!

The Wild Wisdom Oracle Card Deck



The Wild Wisdom Oracle Cards are inspired by the fullness of life, and each card represents a different aspect of the human experience, from joy and abundance to grief and transformation. These cards offer guidance, insights, and reflections on the journey of personal growth and spiritual development through the body, heart, mind and soul.

We truly believe that The Wild Wisdom Oracle Cards and the practices inspired by them have the power to transform lives.

We are honoured to share them with you.

What is The Wild Wisdom®?

It's a calling to honour our nature and our divinity. It's a simple method to support you to live in integrity by developing your instinct, intuition, insight and inspiration.

Together, we are creating a community to bring these cards into the world and help people to access the wild wisdom that lies within us all.

This Oracle deck is structured into four houses with a common focus, the same central mandala but with specific colourways and power phrases that can be used with meditations as a personal development and awareness practice to access The Wild Wisdom.

Wild Body Wisdom - Instinct - Relationship with your embodied form
Wild Heart Wisdom - intuition - Relationship with others
Wild Mind Wisdom - Insight - Relationship with thoughts
Wild Soul Wisdom - Inspiration - Relationship with Life and Spirituality

Enjoy engaging with your cards and connect to our community for loving support and companionship on your journey. [LINK]

Until we meet in person be wild, be wise, be well, always. x


Monica Douglas

Fractal Flow



Welcome to the third installment of the Fractalicious Oracle Deck series.

Take your intuition development to the next level with this Reiki infused, Fractalicious original art, coloring book deck! Fifty-five intuitively channeled Fractal Energy Art images adorn each card that YOU color, radiating unparalleled vibrations and meaning, for beginner and expert practitioners alike. Power words, like fractals, vibrate at high energy levels. Use this powerful deck to raise your personal, energetic soul vibration and re-wire your brain to draw more gratitude and positivity into your world.


Grab your favorite coloring tools colored pencils and gel pens work best. Heavy markers may bleed through to the back of the card.

Find a quiet space to unwind and connect, interruption free.

Each card is titled with a high vibration energy word.

Meditate with the image while feeling the high vibe word resonate inside you.

Colorize the image intuitively.

Jot any keywords, notes, or messages at the bottom of the card in the space provided.

Colorizing tip: The images are meant to be challenging to color. Deeply connecting with each image will create a deck that is uniquely yours. Consider focusing on one or two colors per card, so that the chosen hues mean something to you personally. Focus on coloring the parts of the image that speak loudest, leaving the rest black and white. For a true challenging experience, work on coloring the whole image. Do what works for you. Your intuition will guide you to color the best way, for you. Consider joining the Facebook Group Fractal Awakening to showcase your colorized masterpieces. Fractals are an age-old tool assisting our path to deeper self-understanding, spiritual guidance, intuition growth, and insight.

Card Deck Genres:


Angelic Alchemy



As an ancient divination tool, Oracle Cards are a magical way to communicate with Spirit. Angelic Alchemy will magnetically attract the cards that provide accurate insight, healing, and growth.

This deck of cards also uses Pythagorean frequencies, tetractys, numerology, and other sacred symbols embedded within the images to further enhance the magical qualities of each card.

Often referred to as “The Gateway to the Heavens” geometric shapes, patterns, and symbols form our reality. Geometric symbols carry symbolic, sacred, and spiritual messages within.

These messages are built into our genetic makeup allowing us to instinctively recognize and experience them on a soul level. They are sources of incredible power and energy that facilitate creativity and balance to create an energetic blueprint that attracts everything your heart desires.

Sacred Geometry is a universal language which allows us to access ancient knowledge contained in our cellular memory.

Angelic Alchemy is a truly profound transformational tool and gift that elevates your spirit and embraces your heart.

These cards will form a bridge for you and Spirit to communicate. The Angels have infused love, beauty, and sacred teachings into this deck of cards to assist you to feel more love, experience greater healing, and discover the deepest parts of your soul with ease and grace.


Shauna Domalain

The Akashic Alchemystic Tarot Deck



Are you struggling and looking for assistance on the path? Are you desiring to know more about who you are and your soul's calling? Have you ever fancied your own Akashic Records Tarot Deck to assist you with accessing your Akasha and/or the Akasha of others to tap into things like your Soul Path and Purpose, tools to heal your life and what the Universe has to share with you that is in your Soul Records?

Well now it is HERE! Welcome home to your Soul through The Akashich Alchemystic Tarot!

Invite your Soul to a cup of tea as you connect to your Akasha utilising the tools of this deck and guidebook! The Akashic Alchemystic Tarot Deck is an Oracle deck by definition, yet also within it some aspects of traditional tarot which when it applies are reflected within the deck. This deck is designed as a way for you to be able to access your Akasha (Akashic Records/Soul Records) and the Akasha of others through readings/sessions.

Each card chosen gives you the opportunity to be guided by your Soul and its Path through the Akasha as it reveals its essence to you. The Akashic Alchemystic Tarot Deck and Guidebook is designed for all~ from beginner to advanced. For those whom are either new to oracle or tarot decks and/or the Akasha, this deck and book will be a guide of getting yer feet wet into diving into the aspects of such. Equally, for those whom are more advanced in Oracle/Tarot and/or have been on my course The Akashic Records (Soul Mediumship) Course, fancy to be on the course, and/or have the wisdom of such already through other means, this deck and guidebook will be a complimentary way to be able to access your Akasha and the Akasha of others.

Each card, whether visible or invisible, is embedded with multi~dimensional vibrational frequency energies, Light Codes, Light Rays, and Light Language that will be what your Soul requires each moment you receive a card. The wisdom given within the guidebook goes hand in hand with the deck to assist you to know what each card means and to dive deeper in expanding the wisdom of your Soul and its records. So come dive deep into the Sea of The Akashic Alchemystic Tarot Deck and Guidebook, moving through the vortex portal of the infinite Soul records that is the Akasha to see what the wisdom holds to touch, move, and inspire your life into thriving aliveness!

Card Deck Genres:


Fractal Awakening



Have you ever heard that little voice in the back of your head? You know the one. That soft yes or no when you question taking the next step or not. Have you ever ignored it only to end up saying, I knew I should have done that! five minutes later? That whisper, or voice, or whatever you want to call it is known as intuition. Everyone possesses itthe angel and devil on your shouldersyet many find that inner voice unreliable, and too many misses lead to mistrust. Intuition is also individualized, which makes it difficult to decipher because everyone receives and interprets their messages in a unique way. In other words, what works for your friend may not work for you. However, maintaining a strong, reliable intuition is the key to unlocking lifes happiness. What if there was a tool designed to help build, strengthen, and grow your intuition, like a muscle? Even better, what if that workout came without all the sweat and gym fees? What if that intuitive musculature could be turned into a monumental skill set, which then led to a stronger sense of self and a richer, more fulfilled life by tuning in to everything we have been conditioned to ignore? Fractal Awakening takes you on a journey of intuitive self-discovery by learning how to hear, interpret, and respond to your intuitive messages on a regular, daily basis. Using Fractalicious sacred geometry energy art cards, this card/book combo reveals how to tap into the inner fractal at your core, teaches simple exercises and repeatable challenges for every stage of intuitive evolution, and provides answers for those searching for peace and guidance by looking within. Fractal Awakening opens the door to a new way of thinking and leads to a new way of life.

Card Deck Genres:


Earth Angels, Kids Oracle Cards