The Power of 3 Mantra Deck


MANTRA - “group of words; the spiritual value of a mantra comes when it is audible, visible or present in thought.”

MANTRAS for your daily practice. A 33 card deck each card created from original artwork and containing 3 words to guide you through your day.

  1. Choose one card to guide you through your day.
  2. Read the 3 words on the card you chose, out loud and 3 times. Place the card where you will see it often throughout your day - on your altar, in the car or bathroom mirror.
  3. Repeat the 3 words to yourself as you go through your day and pay attention to insights and signs as they come to you.

I encourage you to use the cards in your own way. However your soul guides you to. TRUST. TRUST. TRUST.

This is a digital version of the deck. To access after purchase install the Deckible app.

Minimum supported: iOS 15 or Android 12.

Available on earlier Android versions, but not officially supported.

Once installled open 'The Power of 3 Mantra Deck' in the Deckible app.