Team And Group Coaching Superpower Deck (Video)


Coaching mastery, especially with group and team coaching, is about expanding your range as a coach. It’s about growing your repertoire of questions you can ask, as well as expanding your range of techniques.
Explore questions, techniques and the five coaching superpowers grounded in two decades experience of training group and team coaches by thought leader and group coaching expert, Jennifer Britton. This deck is based on the popular Group and Team Coaching Superpower Quiz™, launched in mid-2021, now taken by thousands of coaches around the world.
Designed for coaches (team coaches, group coaches, leader as coach, peer coaches), the ACTIVATE Your Coaching Superpower Card Deck are geared to spark new ideas. They can be used daily to expand your range, or serve as an inquiry for reflection, or a go-to before a coaching conversation.
The 14 CCE ACTIVATE Your Group and Team Coaching Superpower program is offered three to four times a year to support coaches in learning more about the 5 superpowers, and to put them into play.
In addition to exploring the five superpowers you’ll also explore questions, techniques, and inquiries for each of the five coaching styles.
Expand your range, enhance your co-coaching engagements with the co-coaching alchemy, activate your superpowers, and enhance your conversations with coaching clients in individual, group and team contexts.