The Wild Wisdom Oracle Card Deck


The Wild Wisdom Oracle Cards are inspired by the fullness of life, and each card represents a different aspect of the human experience, from joy and abundance to grief and transformation. These cards offer guidance, insights, and reflections on the journey of personal growth and spiritual development through the body, heart, mind and soul.

We truly believe that The Wild Wisdom Oracle Cards and the practices inspired by them have the power to transform lives.

We are honoured to share them with you.

What is The Wild Wisdom®?

It's a calling to honour our nature and our divinity. It's a simple method to support you to live in integrity by developing your instinct, intuition, insight and inspiration.

Together, we are creating a community to bring these cards into the world and help people to access the wild wisdom that lies within us all.

This Oracle deck is structured into four houses with a common focus, the same central mandala but with specific colourways and power phrases that can be used with meditations as a personal development and awareness practice to access The Wild Wisdom.

Wild Body Wisdom - Instinct - Relationship with your embodied form
Wild Heart Wisdom - intuition - Relationship with others
Wild Mind Wisdom - Insight - Relationship with thoughts
Wild Soul Wisdom - Inspiration - Relationship with Life and Spirituality

Enjoy engaging with your cards and connect to our community for loving support and companionship on your journey. [LINK]

Until we meet in person be wild, be wise, be well, always. x


Monica Douglas

This is a digital version of the deck. To access after purchase install the Deckible app for IOS or Android.

Open 'The Wild Wisdom Oracle Card Deck' in the Deckible App