FAQ: Humor, Jokes & Cartoon card decks

Humor, Jokes & Cartoon Card Decks are collections of cards that feature jokes, funny scenarios, cartoons, or witty prompts designed to entertain, lighten the mood, and spark laughter. Each card contains a joke, humorous situation, or a cartoon illustration intended to bring joy, laughter, or a moment of levity, making these decks perfect for fun social interactions or comedic inspiration.

These decks are used by individuals looking to share a laugh with friends, family, or colleagues. They are popular at social gatherings, parties, or as icebreakers in workshops and team-building activities. Comedians, entertainers, or anyone who enjoys humor and wants to add some fun to their day also use these decks. They can be helpful in group settings or during personal downtime for a quick dose of humor.

You use these decks to create moments of laughter, break the ice in social settings, or inject humor into everyday life. The cards offer an easy way to lighten the mood, entertain others, or provide comedic relief in tense or casual situations. These decks also foster connection by giving people something lighthearted to share and enjoy together, enhancing positive social interactions.

To use the deck, you draw a card and read the joke, cartoon, or humorous prompt aloud, either to yourself or in a group setting. The cards can be used as conversation starters, icebreakers, or just to bring some fun into daily life. In group settings, participants can take turns drawing cards and sharing the humor with others. These decks can be used casually for quick laughs or in more structured environments like game nights, parties, or workshops to create a lighthearted atmosphere.

101 Fun Family Activities for Road Trips and Vacations



Ah, the iconic family vacation road trip. Do your kids ever get bored while traveling and ask, "Are we there yet?" Well, I can't promise this deck of 101 fun family activities will completely stop that from happening, but I can say you'll have lots of diverse ways to keep everyone entertained--and communicating with each other…like F2F IRL (face to face, in real life)!

Yes, wouldn't it be nice to have the family actually DO things together while traveling, not just sitting like lumps with noses in phones?

Here you have the perfect combination of games and activities for your vacation travels. You’ll find storytelling games, word games, music games, trivia, observation, artistic adventures, unusual activities, and even a few learning games! (SHHHHH...don't tell the kids they might actually LEARN something on vacation!)

This is the 2nd in the "Are We There Yet Series" of travel decks by Rev Ronda Del Boccio, available exclusively on Deckible. Look for the deck called "101 Dad Jokes for Road Trips: Clean, Clever & Corny FUn for Every Mile." Stroll down to the bottom of the page to see that and all my other decks.

Digital decks are great, because they're always in your pocket and available OFFLINE for times you want to unplug from the world.

This deck of games and activities is perfect for all sorts of families, by any diverse definition. If you have kids who are neurodivergent, ADHD, on the autism spectrum, or highly sensitive, you’ll find plenty of options that suit them. This deck is also very much LGBTQIA+ friendly.