Emily Matweow


I am a master intuitive who sees the fast track to personal or business breakthroughs that may feel impossible yet are well within reach. Whether clients show up with courage and openness or come jaded and desperate, their courage to journey forward with me is richly rewarded. Clients become the best expression of their ideal selves, let go of self-limiting beliefs, and embody the everyday magic that is already within.

I am a master of “removing energy blocks”, teacher of the intuitive self, and luminary who has inspired others by my own example. I am moved to help people and businesses who are courageous, motivated, and willing enough – or jaded and desperate enough – and ready to be accountable for reaching the place where all things are possible – where the only outcome is becoming the very best they were designed to be and embodying the magic that is them.

I have spent over 25 years working as an Energy Healer. I help my clients remove the energy blocks that are in the way of them feeling balanced, happy, and successful within themselves, and within their family relationships, business operations, or their artistic or sports pursuits.

When the regular flow of a chakra energy center is disrupted, slows down, or is otherwise interfered with, it’s much like a dimmer on a light switch being activated. Less electricity flows and the lights on that circuit get “dimmer”. Great

if you want a romantic mood created at home one evening, but not so great for the body.

Less energy flowing from a specific chakra to the parts of the body affected by that chakra’s energy causes degeneration of those bodily functions – sometimes called disease, or on a subtler level over time, called accelerated aging.

Turning the dimmer switch back onto full, letting a chakra’s energy flow freely again, can “heal” and revitalize those parts of one’s body that were ill-affected, returning one to a sense of well-being. That’s what I've been doing for my clients

over the last 2 decades and what these Energy Healing cards can help you do.

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Emily Matweow Everything is energy; when energy flows life works! Digital Card Deck Creator Energy Healing

Energy Healing